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Switzerland condemns “in the strongest possible terms” the attack on an ICRC warehouse in Mariupol. Thursday in Geneva, the President of the Confederation Ignazio Cassis promised to help Ukraine in the coming years if it “remains an independent country”.

The attack on the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) constitutes “a serious violation of international humanitarian law (IHL)”, he told the press before the start of the first International Cooperation Forum in Geneva . “It’s just unacceptable,” as are indiscriminate attacks on civilians, he added.

An ICRC warehouse has been targeted in recent days by Russian bombardments in Mariupol, but the organization no longer has a collaborator or helper in the besieged city. Like Switzerland, it has faced misunderstandings regarding its neutral role in this crisis. Bern has been targeted by Moscow for taking over sanctions and the organization has faced a disinformation campaign following its chairman Peter Maurer’s visit to Russia.

Opening the Forum which will take place each year, Mr. Cassis once more justified the sanctions, recalling the difference between law and politics. And the President of the Confederation to ask if the country would have remained neutral “by doing nothing”. A situation that would have helped “the aggressor”, he said.

Impact for decades

More broadly, the President of the Confederation promises that Switzerland will continue to help Kyiv in the coming years. “If Ukraine remains an independent country,” he added, however, during the press conference. According to him, the conflict might have an impact “for decades” and completely change the approach to European security.

But “we are only at the beginning”, he insisted. For the time being, Switzerland is concentrating on humanitarian assistance and the search for a ceasefire. Mr. Cassis has promised to work “actively” to ensure that the world “gets out of this horrible war” in Ukraine. He highlighted the availability of Swiss good offices.

For the moment, Israel has attempted mediation, followed by Turkey, which welcomes negotiations between Russia and Ukraine and has remained cautious on sanctions. Some, including the SVP, believe that Switzerland is not well positioned since it decided to take over the EU’s coercive system once morest Moscow.

Climate and migration

“We are ready” to contribute to peace, affirmed the President of the Confederation. He also mentioned the discussions he had with refugees during his recent trip to the region. These “leave no one indifferent, not even the President of the Confederation”, he said.

Mr. Cassis also called not to forget the other disturbing environments for the international community. In particular climate change, which does not spare Switzerland and which causes conflicts, or migrations.

“We do not have the right” to stop thinking regarding the fight once morest global warming despite the current crises, added the head of the Directorate for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Patricia Danzi. The President of the Confederation called for collaboration between all players, from scientists to the private sector and political leaders, to face these difficulties.

This article has been published automatically. Source: ats



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