La Gruyere | This fascinating Chekhov

The Théâtre des Osses welcomes Uncle Vania, by Chekhov, in a version adapted by an Alsatian company.

GIVISIEZ. There is something magical regarding this author. A quiet strength, a melancholic atmosphere, the extraordinary humanity of his characters. Almost 120 years following his death, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) remains a master of the theater and his art of taking you by the throat remains unmatched. We can check it once more with Uncle Vanyawhich the Théâtre des Osses welcomes, in Givisiez, from tomorrow until April 10.

Daughter of Serebriakov, a tyrannical teacher, Sonia (orphan of mother) leads a peaceful life on a country estate with her uncle Vania. The return of his father, accompanied by his new wife, disturbs the household, which also includes the friend Téléguine and…



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