the game is withdrawn from sale, naked farewell message

Released in August 2020 to the laughter and mockery of the press and the public, Fast & Furious Crossroads is a game that was nevertheless developed by Slighty Mad Studio, the creators of the very nice Project CARS series. While there is no doubt that the British studio created this title at the request of Bandai Namco Entertainment, one wonders how long it took to produce, given the rather calamitous result… Anyway, the bleeding will soon be stopped by the Japanese publisher himself, who has made it known on his social networks, but also on the official site of the gamethat this Fast & Furious Crossroads was going to be withdrawn from sale from April 29. The reasons for this withdrawal are not publicly discussed, but it might be that licensing issues might be the cause of the withdrawal from online stores. However, it is specified that people who own or will buy the game before its withdrawal on April 29, 2022 will be able to continue to play it, as will the DLC and the various online modes which remain active.

Fast & Furious Crossroads



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