Kerala was facing a setback when the central government reduced fuel prices and all other states reduced proportionately. Surendran said that while all the states are subsidizing electric vehicles, there is a suspicion that Kerala is not doing that.
Bus minimum charge Rs 10; Auto and taxi charges have also been increased
Meanwhile, the government has decided to increase the minimum bus fare from Rs 8 to Rs 10. One rupee will be charged for each kilometer following the minimum charge. Student fares have not changed.
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The decision has been taken to increase the auto minimum charge to Rs 30. The additional charge will be Rs 15 per km. The minimum charge for taxis below 1500cc will be increased to Rs 200. For vehicles above 1500 cc, the fare is Rs 225 per 5 km. An additional charge of Rs 20 will be levied for each kilometer.
The bus owners made it clear that they would not accept an increase in fares without increasing student fares. The bus owners said that Justice Ramachandran had given a report years ago that the minimum charge should be increased to Rs 10 and since then fuel prices have gone up.
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