AMLO on his speech to journalists

After being questioned regarding the attacks from the official speech once morest journalists and mediaPresident Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador assured that his Government guarantees the freedom of expression.

In the morning conference held in National Palace, Lopez Obrador He pointed out that, “unlike some communicators”, he does not insult, he only replies to the alleged false information.

We guarantee freedom of expression, no one is censored. They had never insulted a president so much, I think only in the case of President (Francisco I.) Madero. There is so much freedom of expression that they insult me ​​one day and the next too, and I don’tor insult them. I just reply“, said.

“I have to inform people, because if I don’t stay defenseless, they attack me, and it’s not Andrés Manuel, it’s what I represent, and what did he represent? together with millions of Mexicans, a process of transformation, millions of women and men who want true change, who said enough is enough to corruption, impunity, authoritarianism and we are fighting for that”, he declared.

There is no way that I remain silent, we have to respond and also guarantee the right that our adversaries have”, he pointed out.

The head of the federal Executive stated that of a hundred articles in the press, 99 are once morest the Government of the Fourth Transformation.

“So, when had such freedom been seen? Never, never. What happens that we are demystifying because it was the fourth power. Do you know what they used freedom of expression for? To do business, to steal. The big companies had or have their means of communication, to protect themselves and submit to public power and receive contracts and credits and perks”, he detailed.

“They were part and still are of the groups of economic power and political power, they felt they were the owners of Mexico. You mightn’t touch any information media, they came to impose presidents. And the town? Are they interested in the people, do they respect the people, do they care regarding the people, do they love the people? No, no, they defend interests”, he stressed.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital



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