Live Sport – Foot: Canada returns to the World Cup, 36 years later

The Norwegian Marcus Kleveland won the World Cup slopestyle from Silvaplana (GR). With a total of 91.60 points, he led his compatriot and World Cup winner Mons Roisland (90.20) and Australia’s Valentino Guseli (89.40). Best Swiss, Nicolas Huber finished in sixth place (80.80). Further on are Moritz Thönen (24th), Martin Lässer (26th), Philip Schwan (28th), Jeremy Denda (32nd), Jonas Bösiger (41st), Patrick Hofmann (46th) and Nick Pünter (47th).

On the female side, it is the Austrian Anna Gasser who won with a total of 95.40 points. She preceded Canada’s Laurie Blouin (90.20) and Japan’s Kokomo Murase (87.20), who won the overall World Cup standings. On the Swiss side, Ariane Burri finished fifth (67.60). Bianca Gisler is 9th, Mona Danuser 13th and Lena Müller 16th.



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