what happened on march 28

Virginia Woolf took her own life on March 28, 1941.

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Virginia Woolf took her own life on March 28, 1941.

In the ephemeris of March 28 These events that occurred on a day like today in Argentina and the world stand out:

1936. born Mario Vargas Llosa in Arequipa. The Peruvian writer began his career with The bossesa volume of short stories published in 1959. His novels The city and the Dogs, The green House and Conversation in the Cathedral positioned him as one of the mainstays of the Boom of Latin American literature of the 1960s. Pantaleon and the visitors, Aunt Julia and the writer, The War of the End of the World, History of Mayta, and a political shift to the neoliberal right. He ran for the presidency of Peru in 1990 and lost to Alberto Fujimori in the runoff. novels like The party of the goat and bad girl pranks confirm his validity as a narrator. He obtained the Cervantes Prize in 1994 and the Nobel in 2010.

1941. Virginia Woolf He takes his own life at the age of 59. The English writer suffered from bipolar disorder and she plunged into the waters of the River Ouse, in Sussex, with her pockets full of stones. She left a goodbye note for her husband. Her work includes novels such as Mrs Dalloway, At the lighthouse, Orlando (translated by Jorge Luis Borges) and Waves. In addition, he published the essay a room of your own, considered one of the great feminist texts of the last century. Her story was part of the novel The hoursby Michael Cunningham, made into a film, which uses the writing of Mrs Dalloway.

● 1942. Miguel Hernández, one of the most important Spanish poets of the 20th century, victim of tuberculosis dies in a prison in Alicante. He was a prisoner of Francoism since the end of the Civil War. He was 31 years old and was born in Orihuela. It was revalued years later, especially following the album dedicated to it by Joan Manuel Serrat. His poetic work includes, among other titles, expert in moons, The lightning that never stops, village wind and Lullabies of the onion.

1977. Composer commits suicide in Madrid Waldo of the Rivers. She was 42 years old. One of the innovators of folklore in Argentina, he stood out with his orchestral arrangements. His version of the first movement of Mozart’s Symphony No. 40 was a worldwide success. He made other arrangements of classics. He also composed music for movies like painted mouths and Who can kill a child?

1979. Nuclear accident at the Three Mile Island plant in Pennsylvania. Until the explosion of the Chernobyl power plant in 1986, it was the most serious episode in a nuclear plant. One of the reactors suffered a partial core meltdown. The top of the reactor was exposed by the high temperature, the steam reacted with the zirconium cladding of the fuel rods, producing zirconium dioxide and hydrogen. The damage to the cladding led to the release of the fuel pellets into the coolant and the formation of more hydrogen, which, when released, generated a small explosion in the containment building. The cleanup of the reactor took fourteen years. Days before the film had been released The Chinese Syndromewhich poses an accident at a nuclear plant.

1980. The Central Bank orders the liquidation of one of the main private banks in the country: the Regional Exchange Bank. The bankruptcy of the BIR, which leaves some 100,000 victims, is the manifestation of a phenomenal financial crisis and the collapse of the dictatorship model. In the following two years, another 71 financial institutions are liquidated. In between, the peso is devalued. The years of predominance of financial capital to the detriment of production are portrayed by Fernando Ayala in his film Sweet paymentreleased in 1982.

2013. Manuel Garcia Ferre dies at 83. Born in Almería, he arrived in Argentina in 1947. He drew the strip The Pi-Pío Adventures. created the magazine Anteojito and the animated series Hijitusthe first and most successful on TV in the country, which was followed by Petete’s fat book and Calculin’s world. He also ventured into the cinema with A thousand attempts and an invention, Hijitus, rag, Ico the brave little horse, Manuelita the Turtle and Heart, the joys of Pantriste.



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