Russia-Ukraine negotiate a new round of peace in Turkey, March 29-30

“In the past Russia has negotiated peace with Ukraine in both video-linked and face-to-face talks. As for the new round of negotiations on 29-30 March, which will be held in Istanbul. Turkey It will be a face-to-face negotiation,” Medinski told Telegram news agency.

Turkey’s presidential palace said Turkish President Recep Tayip Erduan and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by phone on Sunday to discuss the latest conflict between Russia and Russia. The two leaders also agreed to hold a new round of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine on March 29.30.

in this conversation President Erduan told President Putin that It is imperative that Russia and Ukraine reach a ceasefire and peace agreement as soon as possible. And there should be a solution to the humanitarian situation. Turkey is ready to provide assistance to push forward the negotiations.

Since the 28th of Feb. ago Russia and Ukraine held three peace talks through face-to-face talks. and then held several more talks online. But the two sides still can’t reach an agreement.



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