Dar Al Iftaa: 10 pounds as a ransom for breakfast a day in Ramadan for the elderly and the sick with conditions

The Egyptian Fatwa published on its official page on the social networking site “Facebook”, a fatwa for explanation of the ransom of fasting Ramadan, pointing to the saying of God. ” [البقرة: 184].

The Dar Al-Iftaa clarified who is obligated to pay the ransom, saying: “The sick person: If a person is sick with a disease that is not hoped for recovery – according to the specialists – and he is not able to fast, and the elderly: such that he is unable to fast and suffers severe hardship that is usually unbearable.

As for the amount of the ransom, the Egyptian Dar Al Iftaa said, it is feeding a poor person for each of the days that he breaks his fast in Ramadan, and the value of feeding this year is regarding: ten pounds.

ransom for Ramadan fasting

After 5 days, the Dar Al Iftaa will survey the crescent of the blessed month of Ramadan, on Friday, 29 Sha’ban, corresponding to 4-1-2022 AD, and on the date of the month of Ramadan, a new moon will be born. RAMADAN month Immediately following the conjugation took place at exactly eight and 25 in the morning Cairo local time on Friday 29 Sha’ban 1443 AH corresponding to 1/4 2022 AD (the day of sighting).

The new crescent remains in the sky of Makkah and Cairo for 17 minutes following sunset on that day (the day of sighting), and in the rest of the governorates of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the new crescent remains in their sky for periods ranging from 17-18 minutes.

As for Arab and Islamic capitals and cities, the new crescent will remain following sunset on that day for periods ranging from (10-25 minutes), and thus the start of the holy month of Ramadan 1443 AH will be on Saturday 2/4/2022 CE.

Regarding the Dar Al-Iftaa’s methodology in surveying the crescent of the Arab months, including Ramadan, the sighting of the crescent moons in some countries may differ from each other as a result of the difference in sightings between them. And this one is not different. plural of the word Muslims; As the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, said: “The Day of Arafa is the day on which people are known.” Narrated by Abu Dawood in “Al-Marassil”, and by Daraqutni in “Sunan” and Al-Bayhaqi in “Al-Sunan Al-Kubra” and he said: This is a good mursal, and Imam Al-Shafi’i, may God be pleased with him, narrated On the authority of Muslim bin Khalid, on the authority of Ibn Juraij, he said: I said to Ataa: A man performed Hajj first, and people made a mistake on the Day of Arafa, is it sufficient for him? He said: Yes, by my life, it will suffice for him. He said: And I think he said: The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, said: “Initiate you on the day when you break your fast, and make you sacrifice on the day you sacrifice.” Arafa is the day when the imam will be known.



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