Today, 21 people have been diagnosed in the mainland, and 82 cases have been imported from abroad in Beibei Gaotao – yqqlm

Today, 21 people have been diagnosed in the mainland. (Data photo of this newspaper)

21 people have been diagnosed in the mainland today!There are 82 cases of overseas immigration in Jibei Gaotao

The new crown pneumonia epidemic is spreading, and there are 103 new confirmed cases in China today, including 21 local cases and 82 imported cases. Among the local epidemics, following 10 people were infected yesterday at the Shulin Science and Technology Plant in New Taipei, 10 more people were diagnosed today, 5 people were diagnosed in the Keelung police case, and 4 people were at the Kaohsiung Chemical Plant. There are two other cases in New Taipei whose source of infection has yet to be clarified, one of whom lives close to the worker (case 22598) who was diagnosed yesterday.

Today’s local cases are 13 males and 8 females, ranging in age from their 10s to their 70s. The counties and cities are 11 in Xinbei, 5 in Keelung, 4 in Kaohsiung, and 1 in Taoyuan. Among them, 10 are related to Shulin Technology Factory, and 1 is related to Yesterday, the footprints of workers in New Taipei were related, one was a triple salesman who accompanied the disease, five were related to the Keelung police case, and four were related to the Kaohsiung Chemical Plant.

Correlation map of the Kaohsiung chemical plant cluster.  (Photo / provided by the command center)
Correlation map of the Kaohsiung chemical plant cluster. (Photo / provided by the command center)
The clustering correlation diagram of a technology factory in Shulin, New Taipei.  (Photo / provided by the command center)
The clustering correlation diagram of a technology factory in Shulin, New Taipei. (Photo / provided by the command center)
Keelung case association graph.  (Photo / provided by the command center)
Keelung case association graph. (Photo / provided by the command center)

Spokesman Zhuang Renxiang said that the Shulin Technology Factory expanded to 900 people for testing, 890 people tested negative and 10 were positive, including 9 cases in Xinbei and 1 case in Taoyuan, all factory employees. Among the 10 confirmed cases, 9 are of their own nationality and 1 is of foreign nationality. The case is still being investigated and sequenced to clarify the source of infection.

Today, a new man in his 20s was diagnosed in Xinbei Zhonghe (case 22639). He is an employee of a company and is not a current contact of Kuanglie. Zhuang Renxiang said that the man began to have runny nose and sore throat on March 24. He went to the doctor because of a positive quick test. The Ct value was 17.2, and his residence was similar to that of the case 22598 confirmed yesterday. In addition, Sanchong, New Taipei has also added a new case of confirmed diagnosis (case 22701), a woman in her 30s. Due to the need to accompany the patient, she went to the hospital to test positive on March 25 at her own expense, with a Ct value of 12.3. The source of infection of these two people is both unknown.

As for the 5 new cases in Keelung, they are all related to yesterday’s police gathering. Among them, case 22638 is another police officer who was listed for having a meal with yesterday’s confirmed police officer (case 22596) on March 20, and case 22687 On March 24, I shared a meal with a woman in her 40s who was diagnosed yesterday (case 22595). The other 3 cases have all been to the Galaxy Snack Bar, and the Ct value is between 12-15.9, and the infection source has been continuously identified and sequenced.

The 4 new cases in Kaohsiung are related to the Dou Chemical Plant, 3 of which are employees (cases 22599, 22641, 22642), and the other case 22640 is a family member living with cases 22459 and 22641. The Ct values ​​of 4 people ranged from 14.8 to 33. Among them, cases 22641 and 22642 were detected during the isolation period, and the source of infection is still being clarified.

As for the imported cases, there are 48 males and 34 females, between the ages of under 5 and 80, from Vietnam (10 cases), Indonesia (6 cases), the Philippines and Malaysia (5 cases each), Italy, and the United Kingdom and Thailand (3 cases each), South Korea, Australia, France, Sweden and the United States (2 cases each), Germany, Spain, Kyrgyzstan, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Japan and the United Arab Emirates (1 case each), and another 30 cases under investigation . The entry date is from January 25 to March 25 this year.

Up to now, a total of 22,566 confirmed cases, 135 empty cases and 853 deaths have been recorded in China.



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