Student is in vital risk after being attacked while walking

Different incidents were experienced during the demonstration, mainly in Central Station, where a group of students was beaten by street vendors.

A high school student is seriously and life-threatening, after being attacked during the march convened by the Confederation of Secondary Students (Confech), which took place this Friday morning in downtown Santiago.

The Mayor of Ñuñoa, Emilia Ríos, revealed that a student from Liceo 7 of the commune was seriously injured.

Agency One

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“With deep consternation we must communicate that in the framework of the demonstration called by university students, a student from Liceo 7 He was brutally assaulted in circumstances that are still being investigated.”said the communal chief through a statement.

“These deplorable facts must be clarified as soon as possible and the prosecution of those responsible must be a priority for the authorities”he added.

The mayor clarified that they will file a complaint with the Public Ministry and assured that provide legal assistance to the family of the affected student.

Before, the Municipality of Estación Central had announced a lawsuit against the people who attacked the students who were marching down the Alameda up to your community. In social networks there are multiple records of people beating students with stones, sticks and fists.

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