Biden hinted at sending US troops to Ukraine with a reservation

During a speech to US paratroopers stationed in Poland, President Joe Biden made a reservation that might be taken as confirmation of plans to send US troops to Ukraine.

The President of the United States told the troops of the 82nd Airborne Division the following: “You will see everything with your own eyes when you are there. And some of you have already been there.” Then he outlined his vision of the resilience of the Ukrainians, which the paratroopers will have to evaluate, not forgetting to emphasize that they draw a significant part of it from the Americans.

The reservation caused a heated discussion in both Ukrainian and American audiences regarding the reason for the strange statement – whether it was the product of fatigue or just a misunderstanding. However, soon the press service of the White House dispelled all doubts, stating that there were no plans to send American troops to Ukraine and that Washington’s previously stated position was unchanged.

Earlier, President Biden himself, and his national security adviser Jake Sullivan, and Pentagon officials have repeatedly stated that the participation of American troops in the conflict in Ukraine is excluded in order to prevent its escalation with a possible transition to a broad international military conflict.



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