Russian Intelligence Personnel Exist in Mexico, According to Senior US General | International | News

The head of the United States Northern Command highlighted on Thursday the significant presence of Russian intelligence personnel in Mexico, noting his “concern” over Chinese and Russian efforts to influence the Americas region.

General Glen VanHerck said during a Senate hearing that currently in Mexico is the largest portion in the world of members of the Russian military intelligence organization, known by its abbreviation GRU.

VanHerck referred to the issue when asked regarding the challenges facing the United States on the border with Mexico, where several transnational criminal organizations operate.

“My concern with that is the instability it creates, the opportunity it creates for actors like China, Russia and others who might have nefarious activities in mind to seek access and influence in our area“, he claimed.

The senior US general, who also commands the North American Aerospace Defense Command, said that there are “very aggressive and active” actors in the North American and Caribbean area.

“I would like to point out that most of the GRU members in the world are in Mexico at the moment. That’s Russian intelligence personnel. And they keep a very close eye on their chances of influencing the opportunities and access that the United States has,” he said.

Southern Command Chief Laura Richardson, who also testified Thursday before the Senate Armed Services Committee, agreed with VanHerck’s assessment.

“I have been in command for almost five months and what has impressed me most has been the extent to which China and Russia are aggressively expanding their influence in our neighborhood.”said General Richardson, who is in charge of US military operations in the Caribbean, Central and South America. (I)



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