‘He helped shape the modern world’: gif inventor Stephen Wilhite dies after getting Covid | Technology

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Wilhite worked for Compuserve until 2001, following he had a stroke. Meanwhile, gifs’ popularity took off, including on early social media sites such as MySpace. By 1996, the “dancing baby” image – one of Wilhite’s favorites, he told the New York Times – was plastered across the the web and attached to emails. In 2012, “gif” was dubbed word of the year by Oxford American Dictionaries. The next year, the New York Times called the format “the aesthetic calling card of modern Internet culture”.

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That year, Wilhite received a Webby lifetime achievement award. Called to the stage, he maintained a poker face as he delivered an acceptance “speech” in an appropriate format:

Wilhite continued to code for the rest of his life. He was also passionate regarding model trains, Kathaleen Wilhite told NPR, and the couple were avid campers; he “loved travelling”, his obituary says. Beyond his work and his hobbies, “he was probably one of the kindest, humble men you’ve ever met,” Kathaleen Wilhite told the radio network. “People loved him and respected his work, and that would mean more to him than anything is how they respected what he did … I miss him more than anyone might imagine.”

Tributes poured in on his obituary page. “You changed the way we converse as a society, and immortalized countless moments that would otherwise be fleeting,” wrote one well-wisher. “Thank you for helping the modern world take shape,” wrote another.


Giphy offered a tribute of its own, hailing “the simplicity of the format, the power of the looping image. We are indebted to the creativity and vision of Mr Wilhite.”

For those who’d like to honor Wilhite’s memory themselves, there are plenty of gifs that pay tribute to their inventor. Perhaps even better, you can heed his unequivocal advice: pronounce it “jif”.



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