7 causes of toothache in the morning..and home remedies to relieve it

Toothache in the morning is common. Causes can range from mild to severe and include dental conditions or other health problems. It is a frustrating and common problem. A report published by Boldsky’s website explains the causes and ways to treat them at home as follows:

1. Periodontal disease

Gum disease occurs when tartar buildup on the teeth causes gingivitis. Inflammation can cause the gums around the teeth to become red and swollen. Experts warn that some believe it’s a toothache, which eventually causes the teeth to become ulcerated or loose.

2. Sinusitis

A sinus infection can cause a toothache in the morning. The sinuses swell and press on nerves in the face, including the nerves around the teeth, causing pain upon waking in the morning. Additional symptoms that might indicate this diagnosis include headache, cough, facial pain, and fever.

3. Tooth abscess

If your gums or teeth become infected with bacteria, you can develop a tooth abscess, which is a painful condition. Symptoms include fever, swollen glands in the neck and jaw, facial pain near the affected tooth, unexplained bad breath, and pain when biting. You should go to the dentist immediately if a person has an abscess because the infection can spread to the surrounding teeth and harm oral health.

4. Tooth decay

Tooth decay is one of the common reasons for waking up with a toothache. Tooth decay and cavities are caused by bacteria that eat up enamel. Tooth decay can irritate the dental nerve, causing pain. Bacteria can also get inside the tooth or molar and cause painful pulpitis. Therefore, experts recommend treating cavities and making fillings to fill the cavities as quickly as possible.

5. Sunken tooth

An impacted tooth occurs when there is not enough space for the tooth to emerge from under the gum line. Thus, a person develops pain at the area of ​​pressure on the gums. Cases range from feeling pain only in the morning or throughout the day. Wisdom and third molars are often affected by this condition, and the upper jaw canines can also be affected.

6. Teeth grinding

Many people suffer from the problem of “grinding teeth” during sleep, which is a habit that a person may not realize that they are doing it. Tooth grinding can be detected when the dentist examines the enamel and sees its erosion. The condition of “bruxism” causes dental pain, along with pain in the jaw or face in general and headache.

7. temporomandibular joint disorder

A patient develops temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) when the jaw joint and surrounding structures become inflamed. A TMD patient uses the jaw muscles aggressively when chewing food, which puts strong pressure on the teeth, and thus leads to toothache. TMJ disorders are also a common complication of bruxism due to the pressure placed on the jaw joint itself.

Home Remedies

Several home remedies can help reduce or eliminate mild toothache, especially in the morning as follows:
• If a person feels toothache when eating or drinking something hot or cold, he can use toothpaste for sensitive teeth.
• Clove oil can be applied several times a day on the affected teeth using a cotton swab.
• Rinse the mouth with warm water and salt several times a day.
• Put a cold compress on the outside of the face several times a day for 15 minutes at a time.
• If a person suffers from bruxism or TMJ disorder, they can wear a mouthguard at night.
• If the pain does not go away following any home remedies, the patient can take pain relievers available without a prescription, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.



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