21 karat gold prices in Egypt today.. 990 pounds without workmanship

settle down gold gram price Now in the goldsmiths, following several changes yesterday and turmoil in the price of the metal in the evening trading sessions, and 21 karat gold, which is the most popular in the goldsmiths market, records 990 pounds per gram, at the time of drafting these lines, and this price is constantly changing in the markets throughout the trading hours.

Gold prices today

Carat 18 records 848 pounds

21 caliber records 990 pounds

24 carat records 1131 pounds

The gold pound is 7920 pounds

Sources in the gold market confirmed that the rise in prices during the past few hours caused large sales by holders of the yellow metal to take advantage of the price differences, which caused an increase in the supply of gold in the market.

He added, in exclusive statements, that the shock of the dollar that affected the markets had faded, and this also caused some decline in the price of gold, and that the global stock market witnessed a decline of regarding 10 dollars, and this also contributed to the decline in gold prices now in Egypt.

And gold prices jumped by more than 180 pounds per gram, with the rise of the dollar in the markets, which made prices record big jumps over the course of Monday’s trading until the middle of Tuesday’s trading. Another one on Wednesday evening, then retreated before the market closed, to settle at 990 pounds per gram.



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