Presidential election in France: Marine Le Pen narrows the gap with Macron, Zemmour in free fall according to the latest polls

Candidate for the third time in the presidential election, Marine Le Pen might pass the first round for the second consecutive time according to the latest polls.

Indeed, according to the daily OpinionWay-Kéa Partners barometer, the 53-year-old politician would have crossed the 20% mark of voting intentions, allowing her to narrow the gap with Emmanuel Macron, arch-favorite in her own succession. The outgoing president, however, remains ahead with 28% but the noose is tightening with his 2017 rival. In the second round, the polls still give him the winner with 56% of the votes in his favor.

The MP for Pas-de-Calais is quite simply making a thunderous end to the campaign since she has never been in such good shape since November. Still tied with Valérie Pécresse (LR) and Eric Zemmour (Reconquête!) in February with 15%, Jean-Marie’s daughter continues to climb in the polls following having taken another three points since last Friday.

How to explain these good figures? The RN candidate achieves good media outlets and manages to reach the working classes but also to win back her former supporters, sometimes tempted to join Eric Zemmour. 66% of his voters in 2017 would also be ready to trust him once more.

Zemmour in freefall

In a survey conducted by Ifop-Fiducial for Paris Match-LCI-Sud Radio, Eric Zemmour seems to be losing momentum.

With 12% of the voting intentions, the far-right candidate has once more lost points in the surveys carried out in France. His latest controversial statements are causing him to lose ground and the gap with Marine Le Pen, his main rival, seems to be widening more and more.

As for Valérie Pécresse, she goes up somewhat in the polls to reach 11%. An increase which is explained by the rallying of the voters of François Fillon in 2017, but he still has a long way to go to hope to reach the second round.

On the left side, Jean-Luc Mélenchon points to 14% following gaining 0.5 points. The ecologist Yannick Jadot loses feathers and remains at 5%. As for the socialist Anne Hidalgo, her campaign turns into a nightmare by not exceeding 2%.



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