Anger in the Buenos Aires Government for how the Nation is going to use the co-participation resources

In the Buenos Aires government there is disgust following the Executive’s announcement regarding the use of co-participation resources. The statement came before authorities from both jurisdictions met to try to resolve the conflict over withdraws funds of the federal contribution.

“There were no signs that the national government was going to communicate something like this, but we are used to this type of action,” they revealed to the agency. NA sources close to the administration Horacio Rodriguez Larreta.

While the representatives of the Nation and the City met at the Casa Rosada to debate the amount of co-participation funds, Edward of Peter communicated the decision of the national government to take advantage of part of those funds to reinforce the fight once morest drug trafficking in Salta, Santa Fe and Misiones.

“Wado” De Pedro ratified the withdrawal of funds from the City of Buenos Aires and assured that they will be reallocated in other provinces

“It took us by surprise, because the meetings had been showing that there was a lot of willingness to agree, but De Pedro’s statements go once morest that,” they said from the Buenos Aires government.

In radio statements, the head of the Buenos Aires Cabinet, Felipe Miguel expressed his displeasure at the announcement by the Minister of the Interior of the Nation.

The controversial transfer of security

“When he refers to the transfer made during the government of Mauricio Macri and says that Macri decided to triple the co-participation and then look for an excuse, which was the transfer of security, it was really very shocking to hear the interior minister fail to tell the truth in that way. knowingly, in phenomenal bad faith, a very clear lie,” the official said.

The head of the Buenos Aires Cabinet, Felipe Miguel.

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The head of the Buenos Aires Cabinet, Felipe Miguel.

Likewise, the Buenos Aires chief of staff pointed out that macri agreed with Rodríguez Larreta “to go beyond the security of CABA, which was what corresponded, as determined by the Constitution.”

“Those resources,” explained Felipe Miguel, were exactly what the national government spent in the security of the City, not one peso more, not one peso less”.

“We are going to continue working constructively in the search for an agreement as requested by the Supreme Court,” Felipe Miguel remarked.

On the other hand, Miguel questioned the “unconstitutional” measure of removing funds. “Almost two years ago the city stopped receiving the funds due to an untimely, unconstitutional removal from the national government to solve a problem that the province of Buenos Aires had at that time,” he shot.

“The City of Buenos Aires”, specified the leader of Together for Change“contributes 24% of the co-participation funds and receives 1.4%, it is shameful. Those are the facts”.

The head of the Buenos Aires Cabinet stated that “the (technical) teams are going to continue reviewing the proposal that the City approached, especially with regard to the transfer and liquidation of funds.”




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