Differing European reactions to Putin’s decision to pay for gas and oil in rubles

European countries’ reactions to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to transfer payments for Russian oil and gas to the Russian ruble varied.


German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said that “the federal government will discuss this matter with European partners,” adding that the decision “shows once once more that Russia is not a stable partner,” according to DPA.

“In my opinion, you should pay in euros, because paying in rubles means circumventing sanctions, so I think we will continue to pay in euros,” said Italy’s economic adviser, Francesco Gavazzi. At the same time, he stressed that the Italian government has not taken any decision yet.


For his part, the head of the Bulgarian Energy Ministry Alexander Nikolov stressed that Russia’s decision to pay for gas in rubles does not threaten the current contract with Bulgaria.


As of May 1, the police can pay for Russian gas only in rubles or euros, said Vadim Cheban, head of Moldova Gas, and no problems should arise.



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