The Central African opposition is torn over participation in dialogue

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This Thursday begins the fourth day of the work of the republican dialogue, promised for a long time by President Touadéra and supposed to put an end to the crisis, but which does not include the armed groups. After announcing that it would not participate in the dialogue just hours before the opening ceremony, the opposition now seems divided on the issue.

With our correspondent in Bangui, Carol Valade

New twist within the Central African opposition. The COD 2020 coalition excludes from its ranks its own president, Cyriaque Gonda, the leader of the PNCN party on the grounds of “ of indiscipline and betrayal ».

At the same time, Cyriaque Gonda hastily writes a letter of resignation without specifying the reason. But we know that the now ex-head of the coalition met the president of the dialogue the day before. The latter then announced an imminent return opponents in discussions before being strongly denied by their spokesperson, Me Nicolas Tiangaye.

Opposition deputy Aurélien Simplice Zingas is also leaving the coalition to keep his post as 1st vice-president of dialogue. His party is excluded in stride.

After three days of work in committee, the debate phase now opens, the conclusions of which will be known on Sunday 27 March.

►Also read: In the Central African Republic, opening of political dialogue without the opposition



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