“I’m going to stop, Mr. Director…”: Repenning interrupted live newscast and surprised Jaime Leyton

A curious moment starred José Luis Repenning in Meganoticias AM. After giving an account of different information that marked the dawn, the journalist listened with special attention to Jaime Leyton’s weather report.

Once the meteorologist concluded, the communicator took the floor and dedicated a special message to him.

“It only remains for me to say: a round of applause for Don Jaime, Michelle Adam. Well then, let’s applaud, ”she asked the channel team.

The reason? He explained it this way: “Did you know that March 23 is International Meteorologist’s Day?”

“Exactly, and this year with the motto of early warning. We do not like to act on faits accomplis, but rather warn in time so that the corresponding measures are also taken in time”, added Leyton.

“What does he want?

“The greatest, Don Jaime. I’m going to stop, Mr. Director, I’m going to ruin the whole plan and the whole thing, but I’m going to come here to greet Don Jaime. We are all up to date with the PCRs. A hug Don Jaime. Let’s celebrate with breakfast. What does he want?” Repe asked Don Jaime, once the strong hug was over.

Photo: Meganoticias

“Something light for the morning, just a little tea,” Jaime Leyton replied.

“Good morning, Don Jaime, thank you very much for the work that meteorologists do,” closed the Mega driver.



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