Treating the body with dates, you will not imagine what it will do to your body

Treating the body with dates, you will not imagine what it will do to your body – educate me

Treat your body with dates From the hair of the head to the toes, because dates are able to provide the body with many vitamins and minerals, from which the whole body benefits. So, let’s learn regarding its most important benefits in this article, and make the most of it to treat our bodies.

Treat the body with dates and get all these benefits

  1. It is one of the most important fruits that contain a large proportion of magnesium and phosphorous.
  2. Contains vitamins B1, B2, and B3.
  3. Very useful for pregnant women because it is rich in folic acid, which is important for the growth of the fetus, and also contains vitamin A.
  4. A good source of iron, as each 100 grams of dates contains 5% of iron.
  5. Very useful for digestion, as it increases metabolism, because it contains simple dietary fiber.
  6. Dates are also an important source of protein, for building bones, as it works to strengthen the muscles of the body and supply it with the necessary proteins and energy, and is very useful for bodybuilders and football players.

Diseases that dates treat

  1. It eliminates indigestion and constipation, as it works to enhance the digestion process, and stimulate the stomach to secrete digestive juices.
  2. Dates reduce the risk of gallstones forming.
  3. Dates reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood and stimulate blood circulation, which keeps the heart healthy, and prevents atherosclerosis and heart attacks.
  4. Dates are a food rich in antioxidants, which makes them one of the foods that fight cancer, especially bowel cancer.
  5. One of the foods that fight fatigue and exhaustion, and work to rejuvenate the body.

How to eat dates

  • Dates are used in many sweets and baked goods to entice adults and children.
  • It is common knowledge that eating seven dates a day on an empty stomach to get the highest benefit from it, as this amount provides the body with regarding 40% of the vitamins, elements and minerals required during the day.
  • Dates are soaked in water and we can drink water, and eat dates also to be more tender.
  • The most famous juice for dates is dates with milk, which provides the body with many nutrients.

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