Doctors discover a worrying side effect

With funding from the Foundation British for the heartresearchers have succeeded in demonstrating the link between taking regular paracetamol and significant increase in blood pressure. Their study focused on patients with hypertension.

The study was conducted on a hundred volunteers, reports Capital. For two weeks, the researchers gave them 4 g of paracetamol a day then a placebo over the following two weeks. Result: the systolic pressure would increase by 5 mm Hg and the diastolic pressure would be up by 1.5 mm Hg.

Risk of cardiovascular problems

This result can have disastrous consequences for the health of hypertensive patients, with an increased risk of cardiovascular problems. These people would, according to the researchers, have every interest in asking their doctor regarding the balance between benefits and risks of a processing long-term with paracetamol.

Researchers British hope to soon be able to conduct this same study “in a larger population of patients suffering from chronic pain”. The latter are indeed required to take this medication regularly and over the long term. For the moment, they have not yet found the necessary funding for this new research.



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