If you get someone like you thought you would not oppose marriage; No Arranged Marriage Anyway: Anigha
Anigha Surendran made her debut as a child actress. Anigha is also an actor who has been fortunate enough to act with former Malayalam and other language actors.
Along with the film, Anigha’s photoshoots are also getting a lot of attention. The actress talks regarding her marriage concept and the challenges she faced in life.
The actor shares his experiences in an interview with BeyondWoods Ice.
‘When you get to your teens, discussing marriage with your friends is a big deal. So did I. In the current situation I am not going to think regarding marriage for next year. But if I get someone like I thought I would not stand once morest it. We will have to wait and see.
Arranged marriage is not a good idea for me anyway. If you see someone like that, definitely look. I would never invite anyone to a wedding. I want a marriage that is very intimate, ‘says the actor.
Anigha’s answer to the presenter’s question was whether she had any bad experience from close friends.
‘It’s terribly common to have such experiences when starting high school. Have had a great experience or a small one. But it went that way. In return, those relationships were formed, that’s all, ‘Anigha added.
Actress Ananya’s face has been asked if she looks like him. I do not think so. Then some have said that Nayanthara has a cut. Anigha says she never felt that way.
Content Highlights: Anikha Surendran says regarding her marriage