Mask requirements are changing at Lidl, Aldi, Edeka and Rewe

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Of: Mark Stoffers, Yannick Hanke

The Bundestag has passed the new Infection Protection Act, with an impact on the mask requirement at Aldi, Lidl, Rewe or Edeka and Corona rules in supermarkets.

Berlin – Now it’s official: On Friday, March 18, 2022, the German Bundestag approved the new Infection Protection Act*. As a result, many fall Corona protective measures in public life* away. Last but not least, this also affects the Corona-Rules in supermarkets and discounters such as Aldi, Edeka, Lidl and Rewe. Will the mask requirement when shopping now become obsolete?

Corona rules in the supermarket: radical changes at Aldi, Lidl, Edeka or Rewe

First of all: Instead of the previous corona protection measures, which public life in Germany* partially since March 2020, basic protective measures should take effect. According to the dpa, stricter corona rules will only apply in the future in infection hotspots due to the so-called hotspot regulation* intended. operator of Discounters and supermarkets such as Aldi, Edeka or Rewe* should be careful now.

The German Bundestag has approved the new Infection Protection Act. As a result, many corona rules, as in discounters and supermarkets, are no longer applicable. The mask requirement is also affected by this. ( assembly) © Daniel Karmann/Aldi Süd/dpa

Because of the Infection Protection Act Political*, whose submission by the traffic light coalition was approved by 388 MPs and 277 were once morest, there are significant changes to the Corona rules. This means that previous protective measures such as the obligation to wear masks in supermarkets, gastronomy and retail will fall by law while Aldi a price increase of 400 products* announced and also Meat and beer are more expensive in supermarkets and discounters* shall be.

Aldi, Lidl and Edeka: Mask requirements in supermarkets and discounters are falling – basic corona protection remains

Masks no longer compulsory in discounters and supermarkets like Aldi, Lidl, Edeka or Rewe? No, basic protection with a mask requirement remains in place – namely in clinics, nursing homes as well Buses and trains, where 3G continues to work*. The reports*. In addition, testing is mandatory in homes, regardless of the institution-related compulsory vaccination*, as well as in schools and day-care centers.

In addition, the federal states are to have stricter corona rules in so-called hotspots with high levels of infection, the hotspot regulation, via the respective state parliament, To give. The day before, on March 17th, and also on March 18th, several prime ministers had like Lower Saxony’s state father Stephan Weil (SPD)* but already strong criticism of this regulation in the Infection Protection Act* voiced.

Corona rules in the supermarket: Freedom Day on March 20, 2022 is canceled – masks are compulsory at Aldi, Lidl, Edeka or Rewe

While apparently everywhere Contingency stocks created due to uncertain Ukraine situation* and Experts fear buying hamsters in the supermarket* for March 20, 2022 was originally a “Freedom Day* “, in which at least a large number of the Corona rules should fall.

Due to a constantly growing number of new infections caused by the Omicron variant*, the relaxation of the corona rules in supermarkets and discounters were like that End of the mask requirement at Aldi, Lidl. Edeka and Rewe postponed. The transition phase is valid until April 2nd, following which the situation might be reassessed once more.

Corona rules in the supermarket: Federal states are not lifting the mask requirement at Aldi, Edeka, Lidl or Rewe for the time being

In Lower Saxony, for example, is changing when it comes to corona rules* a little something. However, just like in other federal states, the FFP2 mask requirement in shops is not affected by the rule changewhich means in reverse that neither change the corona rules in the supermarket nor explicitly the mask requirement at Aldi, Lidl, Edeka or Rewe.

Is it advisable at all that, for example, when shopping at Aldi, Edeka or Rewe, masks are no longer compulsory? The WDR science journalist Christina Sartori has a clear opinion on this: “If everyone wears a mask – in the supermarket, bus, town hall, in the doctor’s office – then this contributes to the virus being less able to spread.”

New Infection Protection Act passed: Vulnerable groups should be given special protection – supermarket not taken into account

Conversely, if no mask is worn, the corona virus can of course spread much more easily. Why shouldn’t that be the case in discounters and supermarkets, i.e. in closed rooms? So far, politicians have not made any explicit statements regarding the corona rules in supermarkets and explicitly the mask requirement at Aldi, Lidl or Edeka.

Means: Even if the resolution provides for a radical change, the new Infection Protection Act will create nationwide only the framework for lifting the mandatory mask requirement in shops and thus possibly also in supermarkets and discounters. This Circumstance means, but not by a long shot, that the federal states and/or the supermarkets aim to lift the corona rule at Aldi, Lid, Edeka, Rewe and Co. immediately following the law comes into force or implement it immediately.

Masks are compulsory at Aldi, Lidl, Edeka and Rewe: special protection for vulnerable groups

Instead, the law laid the basis for far-reaching easing in many places and in many areas of public life. Also for the Corona rules in the supermarket and the obligation to wear a mask at Aldi, Lidl, Edeka, Rewe and Co. These rules – including the obligation to wear a mask at Aldi, Lidl, Edeka, Rewe – do not apply immediately, but they lay the foundation for suspending or relaxing This corona measure has been taken and might be implemented quickly in retail and shops for daily needs, which would probably result in the fall of the currently high incidence figures and a significant reduction in new corona infections.

Furthermore, however, explicit reference was made to the special protection for vulnerable groups that should be provided by the change in the Infection Protection Act. This means people in hospitals, medical practices, care facilities, outpatient care and refugee homes.

Karl Lauterbach (SPD): “We need further protective measures” – and yet the mask requirement in the supermarket might fall

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD* had recently emphasized that the pandemic was not over yet. And: “We need further protective measures”. This does not seem to apply to discounters and supermarkets such as Aldi, Edeka or Rewe, where it has now been decided that the mask requirement will no longer apply.

In fact, in the future, strict corona rules should only apply in those parts of Germany where there is a risk of health care being overloaded. This not least means the utilization of hospitals and clinics, which will be faced with major challenges in the two years of the corona pandemic.

End of the mask requirement in retail: Many Germans once morest abolishing the Corona rule in supermarkets and shops

Most Germans do not think that abolishing the mask requirement in retail is a good idea. This opinion comes from a survey by the Forsa Institute on behalf of RTL and ntv out. According to the survey, 65 percent of the just over 1,000 people surveyed said that the obligation to wear a medical mask should largely remain in place for the time being.

According to the trend barometer, 23 percent were in favor of abolishing the mask requirement in some areas. Twelve percent, on the other hand, were of the opinion that the mask requirement should be completely abolished.

Corona hotspots: Federal states can tighten rules once more – and introduce mask requirements in supermarkets

Challenges that are of course expressed in people infected with Corona and not in Hamster purchases of products that are scarce due to the situation* will. Representatives of the traffic light coalition had therefore already called for people to continue wearing the masks voluntarily, for example in discounters and supermarkets such as Aldi, Edeka or Rewe. An FFP2 mask would provide the best protection.

The new regulations that have now been passed are to apply until September 23, 2022. However, if, as outlined, corona hotspots occur in individual cities or districts, they can be tightened up at state level. Mask requirements, distance rules or vaccination certificates (2G/3G) can then be prescribed once more. Last but not least, the obligation to wear a mask would then also be expressed in the Corona rules in discounters and supermarkets. * and is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.



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