Girondins of Bordeaux. The club (finally) reacts to accusations of racism towards Costil and Koscielny

The club finally communicated to “Sud Ouest” an official reaction this Tuesday evening. There she is :

“The Club has been informed of the existence of allegations concerning unacceptable behavior and racist comments that may have been made by Club employees. Such actions would be in total contradiction with the values ​​held by the club and its players.

However, to date no document aimed at supporting these allegations has been brought to the attention of the Club which, as a matter of principle, intends to exercise the greatest caution and must recall the need to respect the principle of the presumption of innocence. .

This is not the time for controversy, when the whole club must focus on its sporting objective. If such accusations were to prove to be justified, the Club would immediately draw all appropriate consequences. »

Sentence regarding players removed

An important detail should be noted. The club sent us a second version of the press release (reproduced above) in which does not appear a sentence which was mentioned in the first: “The players also wish to affirm that this does not correspond to the reality of what they live in the locker room.”



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