Discover the benefits of vitamin B12 and the telltale symptoms of deficiency

The usefulness of vitamin B12

This vitamin plays a decisive role since it participates in the formation of red blood cells. It promotes the proper maintenance of neurons and therefore ensures normal neurological and psychological functions.. Thanks to it, you feel less tired. The recommended average daily intake for this vitamin is 2.4 micrograms. But this contribution changes according to your profile. Indeed, it is the recommended intake for an adult over 14 years old. The women pregnant should consume 2.6 mcg while breastfeeding women more, 2.8 micrograms. And do not panic if you ingest more than you need, no study shows toxic or harmful risks in case of overconsumption.

It is important not to miss it since it plays a considerable role in boosting your health. In addition to the actions mentioned above, know that vitamin B12 promotes cognitive functioning (ability to think), help in the creation and regulation of DNA, prevents possible anomalies congenital diseases, protects the eyes from macular degeneration and is needed by the body to produce energy.

Foods that contain vitamin B12

This vitamin is important and, luckily, it is found in a lot of foods. To have a good supply of vitamin B12, you need to consume beefpork, ham, poultry, lamb, fish (specifically haddock and tuna), dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt or even eggs.

However, it is noted that certain groups of individuals generally suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. This is the case for the elderly, people who follow a restrictive diet such as vegan diets, and people who suffer from certain health problems.

However, vitamin B12 deficiency should not be taken lightly. The latter can have irreversible (and possibly serious) consequences on the nervous system and the brain. Some symptoms among those that we are going to give you are therefore to be taken seriously. Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to symptoms following: depression, confusion, fatigue, memory problems, headaches, mood swings, difficulty concentrating. If these symptoms persist, they may get worse.

Some people develop neurological changes and end up having numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. Loss of balance is also a telltale symptom. Infants can also suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency, but the symptoms are not quite the same. This deficiency can be noticed if the baby has unusual movements (such as tremors in the face), has difficulty eating, suffers from irritation, has reflex problems…

The importance of having a healthy lifestyle

You have understood it, the better you eat, the less likely you are to suffer from deficiency in vitamin B12, or other vitamins. If, in addition to a varied and balanced diet, you have a regular and daily sporting activity, then you put all the chances on your side to feel in good health.

As you have noticed, a deficiency of this type leads to psychological problems such as depression. However, it has been proven that sport helps you to feel better in your head. Do we not say a healthy mind in a corps got it?

If you have any doubts regarding a possible deficiency in vitamin B12, do not hesitate to ask your doctor. A first quick examination will give him an idea, and a blood test will show whether or not you suffer from this deficiency. It is important to act quickly to get treatment and not to wait. And if your diet is not that of a healthy adult person, it’s time to do some adjustments.



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