Alert on self-diagnosis of mental illness on social networks

In our podcast Wait a minute !an alert is mentioned on the occasion of Schizophrenia Days : the tendency, on social networks, to self-diagnose mental disorders. Instagram, TikTok, Instagram and all the others are an important place for free speech. Testimonials regarding illnesses can make as many people as possible aware, comfort, and renew their self-confidence. Beware, however, when it comes to health, of the tendency towards medical self-diagnoses. Only professionals can make a diagnosis and offer appropriate care as soon as possible.

What responsibility do influencers have?

We talk regarding this subject with Jasmina Malletpsychiatrist at the Assistance Publique des Hospitals de Paris, researcher in the field of schizophrenia, and hospital practitioner in charge of an expert center on schizophrenic disorders.

In this episode, the scientist returns to schizophrenia, this “psychiatric illness characterized by a set of very variable symptoms, the most impressive of which are delusions and hallucinations, but the most disabling are social withdrawal and cognitive difficulties”, according to the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm).

Why diagnose schizophrenia as early as possible?

This mental disorder affects 1% of French people, or regarding 660,000 people in our country. It most often occurs between the ages of 15 and 25, in 85% of cases. This disease can be treated with appropriate care, as soon as possible, to limit the severity of schizophrenic disorders. This care can combine pharmacological and psychosocial treatment. It achieves lasting remission in one third of patients.

Remember that as part of the Schizophrenia Days, you can find awareness and prevention actions on mental disorders by the association PositiveMinders.



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