The Legacy of Hogwarts is controversial (anti-Semitism, slavery, etc.)

Hogwarts Legacy: The Legacy of Hogwarts, the open-world video game in the Harry Potter universe, is gradually being revealed. And some of its plot elements are… good. How to say. Debatable.

What would you do if you found yourself immersed in the Hogwarts you dreamed of as a kid? How would you spend your years at the Sorcerer’s School? Would you be a botany buff always stuffed in the greenhouse, an animal lover busy spotting the mysterious Kelpy of the swamps, a Quidditch champion going nowhere without her broom, a potions mistress stirring a cauldron all holy day ?

What ? You prefer quell the legitimate revolution of an oppressed people, aided by a sympathetic slave?

It’s surprising, not very modern, but the good news is that Hogwarts Legacy should please you.

The Goblin Revolution in Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy is controversial

As a reminder, Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy is one of the most anticipated video game projects of the moment: it is the first open-world RPG in the universe ofHarry Potterfranchise which has not yet had the right to a video game adaptation at its height.

Despite the JK Rowling’s transphobia leading some people to calm their enthusiasm, Hogwarts Legacy still moving forward, confident, towards a release scheduled for 2023 and gradually revealing elements of its plot.

Like the fact that it will take…I’m checking my notes…yes. Put down a goblin revolution. Good.

The Goblins in Harry Potter, an anti-Semitic caricature?

In Harry Potterto say that the Goblins are an unsympathetic people would already be an understatement: they are miserly, tongue-in-cheek, unpleasant and even disturbing.

They are also a people of hook-nosed, gold-hungry bankers whose design in the movies features similarities to how Jews are depicted in many anti-Semitic cartoons.

A Goblin from Harry Potter Studios, near London
One Gobelin des Studios Harry Potternear London

It has been several years, several decades even that several people express their discomfort with this choice of character design. Recently, in January 2022, the famous American animator Jon Stewart recalled in his podcast the day he discovered the Goblins ofHarry Potter :

“It was one of those situations where, when I saw this on the big screen, I was sure everyone was going to be like, ‘Damn it, she didn’t put Goblins in charge of the damn thing. underground bank of his wizarding world?!”. Except that everyone was in mode: “Hey, it’s the wizards”. »

The link between these Goblins and the anti-Semitic caricatures is not considered voluntary, and is not unanimous; following Jon Stewart’s declaration, several Jewish media figures had thus argued what ” sometimes a Goblin is just a Goblin “. But it has been around for several years anyway.

And seen the crystallization of tensions around the universe Harry Potter since JK Rowling’s multiple transphobic outings, nothing less was needed for this scenario of Hogwarts Legacy grind your teeth.

A Goblin revolution to subdue in Hogwarts Legacy: The Hogwarts Legacy?

Hogwarts Legacy takes place at the end of the 19th century, during the most recent rebellion of Goblins, led by a certain Ranrok allied to the dark mage Victor Rookwood (whose descendant, fun factwill become a big fat Death Eater).

The hero or heroine that one embodies will have to end this revolutionaccording to official playstation blog.

Anti-Semitic cartoons and slavery at Hogwarts: Hogwarts Legacy is in the sauce

“Latest Goblin Rebellion”yes, because there have been others, according to the wikireminding :

“These rebellions may have been motivated by the lack of goblin representation within the Wizengamot. [le tribunal des sorciers, ndlr] ; by attempts to enslave Goblins as house-elves; by the end of their privilege to carry a wand; by attempted takeovers of Gringotts by wizards; by the Goblin murders perpetrated by Yardley Platt [un tueur en série sorcier du XVIe siècle, ndlr]. »

So wait: Goblins are not represented, they were almost enslaved several times, they are not allowed to use wands, wizards wanted to rob their bank…

Excuse me but their revolution seems somewhat justified, doesn’t it?

So OK, Ranrok is not necessarily the leftist leader of a popular rebellion; the Playstation blog states:

“His view of the world is skewed by his hatred of wizards, which makes his alliance with Victor Rookwood particularly fragile. Once Ranrok gets what he wants, no one can stop him and the wizarding world will be doomed. »

Ah yes… the racist wizarding world suddenly? Well, maybe it’s no worse if he’s convicted? And maybe this “hatred of wizards” is a bit justified? Aren’t Ranrok and Magneto legit in their fight? I ask, huh. You have four hours.

But fortunately, to prevent an oppressed people from revolting, you can count on the help of a slave who hangs around!

House-elves in Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy, huh?

Eh yes. Alternate choice of the game writing team Hogwarts Legacy which is controversial: we can get help from a house elf there — whose name is Deek rather than Dobby.

Eyebrow game on fleek, Deek.
Eyebrow game on fleek, Deek.

As a reminder, house elves are very powerful magical creatures, but enslaved by wizards who use them as all-purpose beings. In Harry PotterHermione is campaigning for their release, but as Hogwarts Legacy takes place in the 19th century, his battle has not yet passed that way.

It is therefore not surprising to come across house elves there, but several players fear that their slave status is not treated with the seriousness it deservesand that Deek is just another non-player character helping the hero or heroine to succeed in their mission.

Distrust of the game Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacy, a symptom of disillusionment

No question of ordering you to boycott the game, you do what you want, but it is undeniable thatpart of the community waiting Hogwarts Legacy be extra careful announcements, for fear of becoming passionate regarding a work that would ultimately prove problematic (remember that the lead designer adaptation is a notorious anti-feminist).

Some fans, like here on Reddithope these announcements are the teasing a more complex scenario, with reversals of situation; maybe we will end up facing Rookwood the facho, who tries to take control over the rebellion of the Goblins? A year before the release of Hogwarts Legacy: Hogwarts Legacyit is indeed too early to make a definitive decision on its content.

But what is certain is that a scalded cat fears cold water: in view of the disillusions that follow one another and tarnish the immaculate image that some people had of the universe Harry Potterwe see here a real caution on the part of some of the fans who prefer to wait before igniting.

Read also :

Is playing ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ supporting JK Rowling?



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