Yoon Seok-yue Announces the Relocation of the Presidential Palace of South Korea to the Ministry of National Defense Building and the Opening of the Blue House on the first day of his tenure- Shangbao Indonesia

March 21, 2022 20:23 PM


South Korean President-elect Yoon Seok-wook

On the morning of the 20th local time, South Korean President-elect Yoon Seok-hye held a press conference announcing that the presidential office in the Blue House will be relocated to the Ministry of National Defense Building in Yongsan District, Seoul, and the Blue House will be opened to the public on May 10, the first day of his tenure.

Previously, Yin Xiyue had promised during his campaign that he would implement the “Gwanghwamun President” plan following he was elected president, that is, the presidential office would be moved to the government building in Gwanghwamun. According to Yin Xiyue, the Blue House is the symbol of South Korea’s “imperial” presidential system, which will be detrimental to the implementation of political reforms.

On the 18th of this month, the spokesman for the President-elect of South Korea also publicly stated that the location of the presidential office will be finally narrowed down to the annex of the Seoul Office Building of the Gwanghwamun Central Government, where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is located, and the National Defense Building in Yongsan District. Department building two places.

At the press conference on the 20th, Yin Xiyue said that because the security measures of the Gwanghwamun government office building did not meet the minimum requirements for the presidential office, and the relevant changes would cause serious inconvenience to nearby residents, Gwanghwamun was finally excluded from the presidential office. Outside the new premises of the office. Yin Xiyue said that following the relocation is completed, the public can see the president’s office while enjoying the scenery of Longshan Park, thus establishing a closer psychological connection with the government.



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