President Boric reaches 50% approval according to Cadem

This Sunday a new Cadem survey was published corresponding to the third week of March, which coincides with the first in the Government of the President Gabriel Boric following taking office on March 11.

In the survey, the President reached a 50% approval In front of a 20% disapproval. On the other hand, 6% “neither approve nor disapprove”, while a 24% “don’t know or don’t answer”.

On the other hand, the survey also compared the first measurement you got andthe former president Sebastián Piñera in his first and second government as well as that of the first term of the former president Michelle Bachelet.

Under the question, do you approve or disapprove of the way in which… you are conducting your government?”, in the first measurement of his mandate, Sebastián Piñera in 2010 reached 52%, like Michelle Bachelet in 2014. Meanwhile, in 2018, Sebastián Piñera reached 51% approval.

Visit of Minister Siches to La Araucanía

On March 15, the Minister of the Interior, Izkia Siches visited the region the Araucania, especially the community of Temucuicui in Ercillawhere a series of shots were recorded.

After that, 77% indicated “It was an important visit to show willingness to dialogue to face the conflict in La Araucanía”while 67% maintained: “Temucuicui is today a territory that is out of state control.”

Followed by 52% who stated that the Minister of the Interior, “unnecessarily exposed himself.” While 46% classified the visit of the portfolio manager as “improvised” and 43% indicated that “It was irresponsible.”



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