His Apple Watch saves his life, Tim Cook thanks him

The news is regularly peppered with good news regarding the Apple Watch. And that’s just what happened to Nitesh Chopra, a dentist from Haryana, India. The man first felt an uneasy feeling in his chest. He then activated the ECG function of his connected watch and in view of the diagnosis, he immediately consulted his doctor.

“Thank you for sharing your story”

The medical team then finds that he has a clogged artery that requires treatment in an intensive care unit. He is finally saved. Nitesh Chopra considers himself blessed and he wanted to express his gratitude to the Apple Watch for helping him spot this problem before it got too bad.

He explains thus: Initially, I used the Apple Watch as a fashion accessory and to check the time and my step count, and I mightn’t imagine that one day it would save my life. ».

Grateful, the man took care to email Tim Cook to thank him. And there, surprise, the CEO of Apple himself took care to answer him. Our colleagues fromApple Insider echoed this:

I am very happy that you requested a clinical evaluation and that you received the care that you wanted. Thanks for sharing your story with us. Have a nice day. Best wishes, Tim.

Remember that this is far from the first time the Apple Watch indirectly saves a life. To quote just one examplethe connected watch allowed an 85-year-old Canadian to be rescued in time by the police following a bad fall at home.

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Par : Keleops AG



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