Heshan District organizes to listen and watch the national TV and telephone conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic

On the morning of March 19, Heshan District organized a teleconference on the national prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic. After the meeting, Xing Yufu, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, presided over the dispatching meeting of the epidemic prevention and control work in the whole district, thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the national, provincial and municipal epidemic prevention and control work conferences, and arranged the next steps. Wang Jingjuan, deputy head of the district, and responsible comrades of relevant units in the district and townships (towns, streets, parks) attended the meeting.

Xing Yufu emphasized that it is necessary to recognize the situation clearly, do a good job of epidemic prevention and control as always, stay sober and vigilant at all times, do a good job in rectifying problems, implement various measures to normalize the epidemic prevention and control, and resolutely protect the lives of the people. Safety and good health. It is necessary to strengthen measures, the epidemic prevention and control command system must operate efficiently, continue to build a digital defense line, accurately control the people returning to Hehe, strengthen the management of key places, strictly control gathering activities, and orderly promote the epidemic prevention and control work. It is necessary to consolidate responsibilities, give full play to the early warning role of sentinels, strictly implement the requirements of the “Four Mornings”, comprehensively compact the responsibilities of the “Quartet”, strengthen supervision and accountability in a strict and realistic manner, and earnestly fulfill the responsibility of guarding the soil, taking responsibility for the soil, and fulfilling the responsibility of the soil. , and resolutely defend the bottom line of preventing a large-scale epidemic.



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