what happened on march 21

In the ephemeris of March 21 These events that occurred on a day like today in Argentina and the world stand out:

1839. Modest Mussorgsky is born. One of the most prominent Russian composers of the 19th century, he was the author of Boris Godunov, the most important opera composed in Russia during Romanticism. Furthermore, he wrote One night on Monte Calvoa piece made popular by its inclusion in Fantasy, Walt Disney; and Pictures at an exhibition, a piano work that led to the orchestral version by Maurice Ravel and, later, to the rock version by Emerson, Lake and Palmer. He died in 1881, a week following his 42nd birthday.

1955. Jair Bolsonaro was born in Glicério, near São Paulo. The far-right president began his career in the Army, during the dictatorship that began in 1964, which he never tires of glorifying. He retired at the end of the 1980s. He was a councilman of Rio de Janeiro and since 1991 he held a deputy seat. After the coup once morest Dilma Rousseff he climbed positions and won the presidency in 2018, defeating Fernando Haddad, the PT candidate. In government, he carries out a clearly neo-liberal economic program, combined with his own ultra-conservative positions. The health crisis caused in Brazil by the coronavirus pandemic showed him as one of the leaders who had the worst handling of the situation.

1960. In apartheid South Africa, segregationists perpetrate the sharpeville massacre. The police open fire during a demonstration of blacks protesting once morest the supremacist regime imposed in 1948. 69 people die. The massacre generates a strong impact at the international level. That year, Albert Lutuli, leader of the African National Congress, receives the Nobel Peace Prize. In memory of the massacre, the UN established March 21 as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

1975. Pasco Massacre. Triple A kidnaps and murders eight members of the Peronist Youth. The far-right group machine-gunned them on Pasco Avenue, in Lomas de Zamora, and then dynamited the corpses to prevent their identification. The massacred militants responded to former mayor Pedro Pablo Turner (died in 1976 during the dictatorship), who had been dismissed in 1974 to be replaced by Eduardo Duhalde. Among the dead there are two brothers aged 14 and 16 and a councilman opposed to Duhalde.

2008. the philosopher dies Oscar Terán. Born in 1938, he was the author of Discuss Mariategui, In search of Argentine ideology and Our sixties: the formation of the new Argentine intellectual leftamong other works.

2018. Pedro Pablo Kuczynski resigns from the presidency of Peru, less than two years following taking over. He leaves office worn out following the attempted removal by Fujimorism. Contrary to what he had promised in the campaign, he ended up pardoning Alberto Fujimori. In the midst of a second attempt to remove him, he sent in his resignation, plagued by corruption allegations. Thus, he became the first Peruvian president to resign. He was replaced by the vice, Martín Vizcarra. Kuczynski faces justice today for the Odebrecht case.

In addition, it is the World Poetry Day, as established by UNESCO in 1999. Down Syndrome Day, the International Day of Color and the International Day of Forests are also remembered.



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