Tools to detect schizophrenia in young people

A young person who isolates himself, who wears his mask all the time, who neglects his hygiene, his social relations. These are all signs that should encourage you to consult a doctor.

Olya –

As part of the Schizophrenia Days which will be held from March 19 to 26, 2022, the PositiveMinders association draws attention to the need for early and multidisciplinary detection and support.

Schizophrenia usually manifests in early adulthood, between the ages of 15 and 25. The PositiveMinders association, at the origin of the Schizophrenia Days created in 2004, draws attention to the need for detection and early and multidisciplinary support, to offer young people 4 times more chance of continuing their studies, training or work: 60% of young people suffering from psychosis then recover socially in 2 years, compared to 15% following a traditional course.

85% of psychoses begin before the age of 25


At your level

If you detect for several weeks in a young person under the age of 25 at least one significant change: in terms of character, morale, ability to concentrate (daily discomfort), sleep (he lives at night), social bond (he isolates himself).

You may also notice at least one unusual sign: suicidal ideation, ocd or strange rituals, substance use (drugs, cannabis, alcohol, etc.). The Positive Minders and Fundamental Foundation associations recommend consulting the attending physician.

At the doctor

Here are the behaviors to which he must be attentive: cessation of studies, training, work; appearance of distrust of everything; end of outings with friends or sports activities.

Other unusual signs to look out for: serious hygiene problems, habit of talking to oneself, fixed or bizarre ideas, ideas that are difficult to follow, feeling of hearing voices (or living with headphones on) .

The setbacks of free speech on social networks

On YouTube, Instagram and TikTok, videos of influencers and publications offer an uninhibited discourse around psychiatric illnesses: depression, attention deficit disorder, autism, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia. Patient associations are not calm in the face of the millions of views accumulated by these videos. “We can fear a phenomenon of “unhealthy attraction” maintained among thousands of young people who are already psychologically vulnerable”, says the press release published by Positive Minders on the occasion of Schizophrenia Days. “Psychologists and psychiatrists are sounding the alarm regarding the dangers of therapy through social networks, in the face of certain content that encourages young people to self-diagnose and heal themselves.”

But to reach the young public on its networks, with a more framed content, PositiveMinders gives the floor to the main concerned (patients, caregivers, researchers and relatives) on the web in a campaign entitled ” SchizOdysee “ Here is an excerpt:


100 000

More than 100,000 people suffer from schizophrenia in Belgium, i.e. 1 person in 100.

Not processed

30% of people with schizophrenia are not monitored


57% of patients are men, 43% are women


Over their lifetime, 40% of people with schizophrenia attempt suicide and 10% of all people with schizophrenia end their lives.


WHO ranks schizophrenia among top 10 most disabling diseases


The life expectancy of patients is on average 10 years lower than that of the general population

life improvement

In 80% of cases, symptoms improve as soon as they are treated.

It has been established that 50 to 70% (depending on the region) of people affected by schizophrenia recover, that is to say manage to resume a fulfilling and meaningful life.



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