Zero risk does not exist for the Gilles: “We cannot close the whole of La Louvière when they are out”

The collections of gilles take place at dawn, with a very specific security device, but zero risk does not exist.

All security measures are taken when picking up gilles, but zero risk does not exist.” Géraud Tassignon is a member of the Boute-en-Train society of La Louvière-ville, whose carnival will be organized next weekend. It details, for IEthe specificities of the collection, which launches the festivities each year.

In concrete terms, each Gilles company organizes its pick-up at dawn. The departure is generally given around 4 am, depending on the number of people to pick up. The gilles gather gradually from house to house. They have a drink at each participant’s home before converging, on foot and armed with drums, towards the company’s headquarters. “In my company, we are 200 gilles who come from different places in the center of La Louvière. We gather from house to house, often accompanied by our relatives. This is how for a collection of around 30 gilles , we can easily find 120 people”explains Géraud.



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