For fans of Bloodborne and Dark Souls: The developers of the dark role-playing game Thymesia showed the combat system in a new video

Studio Developers AboutBorder presented a new gameplay trailer for a dark role-playing game Thymesia. The video was dedicated to the mechanics of evasion. Considering the focus of the project on fans Dark Soulsthis element of the game is an integral part of the combat system.

Judging by the video, players will be able to improve the mechanics on a separate branch of the skill tree. For example, open a long dash or other opportunities.

Thymesia is a brutal and dynamic action game with an elaborate combat system. In the role of the mysterious Corvus, players will have to survive in a kingdom where death is rampant. The game will be released this year on PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

Read also: The developers of Until Dawn presented the system requirements of The Quarry and talked regarding the localization of the new horror.



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