Ho-jung Yun “Public broadcasting, arbitration law, and portal reform should be handled before taking office”

The Democratic Party of Korea, which lost the presidential election, is drawing attention by announcing that it will push for prosecution reform, media reform, people’s livelihood legislation, and Daejang-dong special prosecutor’s office all within the remaining term of the Moon Jae-in administration.

In the case of public broadcasting governance improvement, media arbitration law amendment, and portal regulation bill, the activities of the special committee to improve the media and media system remain until May. The Democratic Party also said that in the case of the Media Arbitration Act, an amendment bill would come out by combining the results of discussions by the special committee. However, he emphasized that the deadline for processing should be done before the inauguration of the new government.

In the followingnoon of the 20th, at a press conference held at the meeting room of the party representatives of the National Assembly, Yun Ho-joong, chairman of the emergency countermeasures committee of the Democratic Party, said, “I promised to walk the path of innovation like the Democratic Party on the basis of thorough self-reflection following collecting opinions within the party following losing the presidential election.” “The Democratic Party’s best innovation is the realization of responsible politics, and keeping promises to the people is the starting point,” he said. Vice Chairman Yoon said, “Even though we lost the presidential election, we have a great responsibility to run state affairs as the first party in the parliament. said.

Accordingly, with regard to the legislative task to be resolved within the remaining term of the Moon Jae-in administration, Vice Chairman Yoon said that he would take care of urgent issues of livelihood first; △ By easing the real estate tax burden, it announced that it would promote ‘temporary suspension of heavy taxation for multi-family dwellings’, ‘reduction of housing acquisition tax’, and ‘reduction of ownership tax burden for end-users of one-family houses.’

Regarding political reform, Vice Chairman Yoon said, “The breaking down of the political structure of the vested interests, the realization of the multi-party system, and the expansion of the people’s representation are urgent reform tasks that cannot be delayed. In addition to preventing the establishment of satellite political parties and reforming the National Assembly, it is also necessary to improve the system to institutionalize cooperation and cooperation between the ruling and opposition parties,” he said.

▲ Yun Ho-joong, chairman of the Democratic Party’s emergency countermeasures committee, answers questions from reporters at a press conference in the conference room of the party representatives of the National Assembly on the followingnoon of the 20th. Photo = Video capture of the Democratic Party of Korea

Regarding constitutional amendment, Vice Chairman Yoon said, “This time, the constitutional amendment issue also needs to be finalized. There are quite a few parts. We will set up a special committee for constitutional revision and political reform within the National Assembly to coincide with the start of the new government’s term, and we will make efforts to hold a referendum in the next general election.”

In particular, Vice Chairman Yoon emphasized that he would finalize the reform legislation. Regarding prosecutorial reform, he said, “The minimum checks were put in place during the Moon Jae-in administration’s tenure, but there is a high public concern that the prosecutor-elect may be stranded by the emergence of the first president-elect from the prosecutor’s office. We will rectify the harm caused by the monopoly of power and surely cut off the link between the police and the police,” he insisted.

Above all, Chairman Yoon said, “Media reform is urgently needed for national unity, guarantee of the people’s right to know, and the independence of the press. We will deal with related reform tasks as quickly as possible, such as system reform and the mediation arbitration law to protect human rights.” However, these bills require the special committee to improve the media and media system to be active until May, so it is noteworthy whether the gathering of public opinion and timing of the media industry can be properly coordinated.

In the question-and-answer session that followed, Vice Chairman Yoon said, “In-depth discussion is necessary because several bills have been submitted by the Judiciary Committee regarding prosecutorial reform and the Media Arbitration Act.” In the case of the case, there are discussions pending at the plenary session but in the media system improvement special committee, so we will make an amendment by combining the results of discussions.” “In addition, regarding the improvement of broadcasting governance and regulations on news editing related to portals, we will discuss and deal with the bill to be dealt with by the Overdefense (Science and Technology Information Broadcasting and Communications Commission),” said Vice Chairman Yoon.

When asked how long it would take place, Chairman Yoon said, “I will not set a deadline, but I think the bill should be processed before the new government is launched.”

Regarding the prosecution reform, Chairman Yoon said, “Now that the presidential election is over and the former prosecutor general has been elected, further completion of the prosecution reform may be difficult, and even the first reform (which was done during the Moon Jae-in administration) might be set back. He said, “The elected side has already argued that they will cut off civilian control of the prosecution and give the prosecution the right to budget.

Regarding the Daejang-dong special prosecutor’s office, Vice Chairman Yoon said, “It should be cleaned up before the new government is inaugurated.” Chairman Yoon said, “The separate special prosecutor only takes time and only obstructs the investigation of the truth. The Democrats will never back down.” At the same time, Vice Chairman Yoon said that he would embark on the enactment of the Equality Act.

When asked how the special prosecutor would do it in detail, Vice Chairman Yoon said, “The investigation request by the permanent special prosecutor that we submitted is a neutral plan. There is no choice but to conduct a special examination. Regarding Daejang-dong, the proposal for investigation by the special prosecutor’s office submitted by us is the most reasonable option.”

When asked regarding how to diagnose and reflect on the loss of the presidential election, Chairman Yoon said, “There are many shortcomings, but I will tell you that the party will find the cause of the election defeat.” It is because the party is responsible for leading to victory,” he said.



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