The mysterious death of a medical student in lodging in Cartagena | THE UNIVERSAL

The last 24 hours that preceded the death of Jhosthin Jesús Ruiz Pereira are a complete mystery both for his family and for his friends and classmates. The young man was 24 years old, led a normal life and was regarding to finish his medical degree at the University of Sinú. He was in his tenth semester and was already making a tour of clinics in Cartagena as a requirement to graduate this year.

Jhosthin had planned to specialize in neurology, although he had recently made it known to his closest group of friends that he also wanted to be a surgeon. He was doing so well in his studies that last week he told his mother that the university directors and teachers publicly congratulated him on his academic performance. It may interest you: Juan Miguel, “everyone’s friend” who was killed for witnessing a robbery

Jhosthin Ruiz had a girlfriend and lived with his mother and brothers in the Los Almendros neighborhood. From there he left on Friday, March 11, at 7 in the morning, bound for the university. With him he carried his bag and study implements. The university student did not return home. At 10 am the following day, his body was found in a room at the Los Carruajes lodging, next to La Cordialidad, in the vicinity of the Villa Estrella neighborhood.


on Saturday, March 12, they found the body of Jhosthin Jesús Ruiz Pereira in a lodging in La Cordialidad.

What happened to the brilliant medical student? That’s what your family, friends and college classmates want to know.

they find him dead

Teófilo Ruiz Valdelamar assures that his son was calm, without emotional problems and focused on his studies. “He was a good son, a good friend and very cooperative,” he says.

Jhosthin usually returned home in the followingnoons. If he had to do something extra, he always contacted his mother or asked his father to pick him up. That Friday he never called once more. At 9 at night, and since he did not appear, Nubia Pereira began to dial her son’s cell phone. She also sent him messages on WhatsApp, but they did not reach him. The cell phone seemed off. The next morning the concern was extreme. Jhosthin wasn’t one for dawn on the streets, unless she noticed it. The hours seemed eternal.

Many situations do not add up or are yet to be deciphered in what happened to the student between the followingnoon of Friday, March 11, and the early hours of Saturday, March 12.

At 4 in the followingnoon, a friend contacted Teófilo and told him that a Sijín official had called him to tell him that the body of the university student was transferred to the Forensic Medicine morgue. The world collapsed for Teófilo and his family. It was at the forensic institute that everyone found out that Jhosthin was found dead at 10 in the morning on that Saturday in a room that he had requested at 4 in the followingnoon the day before. The body was found by the toilet employee when she noticed that the air conditioning was coming out of the door and that seemed strange to her.

The woman told the parents that the young man was tied up and lying next to a window. The first hypothesis that emerged was that of suicide, but the body was admitted to Forensic Medicine as “death to be determined”. Teófilo and his other relatives are sure that Jhosthin had no reason to commit suicide. “He was a quiet young man,” they say. Read here: Crime of a doctor in Turbaco: Two innocent prisoners and the guilty free?


Many situations do not add up or are yet to be deciphered in what happened to the student between Friday followingnoon and Saturday morning. The first of them, according to his father, is that the area where he died was somewhat unknown to the young man. They were able to find out that although there are those who say that Jhosthin entered that hotel alone, the receptionist sent him two beers at dawn on Saturday. She also asked for a box of cigarettes, even though he never smoked. Another situation has to do with the security cameras, to which they have not yet been able to access.

24 years

It was the age of Jhosthin Jesús Ruiz Pereira. She was studying tenth semester of medicine at the University of Sinú.

In the midst of their anguish, the parents of the university student later found out that that Friday before going to the lodging, Jhosthin went to a shopping center to make withdrawals from two accounts that he manages for an aunt who lives in the United States. It is not yet clear if he managed to make those transactions, but those cards have already been blocked. Read: Who were the man and woman killed inside a house?

Other inconsistencies that they are trying to clarify are who reported her disappearance without authorization on Friday night and where several of her personal belongings are. Although a letter was found in the room, Teofilo says that many of those words do not appear to have been written by him. And what is worse, although the student reserved a room on the third floor, the judicial inspection was carried out by the Sijín on the second floor.

For the parents and friends of the student, there are many inconsistencies in the investigations that have been carried out for this fact and that is why they want Jhosthin’s death to be clarified. While that happens, they keep the best memory of him. On Monday followingnoon, his friends and colleagues said goodbye to him with a street of honor at the Jardines de Cartagena Cemetery.



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