So far there are 6 cases of influenza A and they say that number will rise this weekend | Cuyo’s diary

While the covid pandemic gives San Juan a break, influenza A gradually and extraordinarily begins to add positive cases. Mónica Jofré, head of Epidemiology, commented that until yesterday there were 6 confirmed cases, but that they expected the number to increase this weekend. This, for two reasons: the virus is already circulating and doctors were asked to be vigilant and send people who have symptoms compatible with influenza to be swabbed.

Jofré explained that the influenza A virus has been circulating throughout the country since February, an extraordinary time. “We believe that since a very contagious strain of coronavirus was circulating, influenza was covered up. Now, as covid infections have decreased, it has emerged. This, added to the fact that people have begun to relax with care, which is essential to avoid all respiratory diseases,” said the specialist and asked that people continue to use the mask and constantly wash their hands.

On influenza A, Jofré explained that among the infected people there are children and adults, although he might not confirm whether they were from risk groups or not. “We are evaluating people and we have reinforced epidemiological surveillance. For this reason, we believe that the figure will be updated and the cases will increase from this weekend. We ask doctors that when the swab is negative for covid, the PCR is indicated for detect influenza,” he added and said that these swabs are done at the Rawson and Marcial Quiroga hospitals, with medical indication. “Above all, we are doing them to people from risk groups or who are hospitalized, so we will surely have more cases,” said the official.

On the other hand, he explained that the influenza A vaccine will be arriving next week and said that they are working to see how the application will be made. “Surely it will be vaccinated in a staggered manner, starting with those over 60 years of age and pregnant women. Likewise, everything will depend on the number of doses that reach us,” he explained and said that the influenza vaccine changes every year and that is why it is important that people at risk are always vaccinated. “The vaccine is made with the strains that are circulating: last year’s vaccine is useless for this year. Influenza A viruses vary,” she concluded.

  1. Influenza viruses mainly affect the nose, throat, bronchial tubes, and occasionally the lungs. Influenza A is transmitted through droplets expelled by coughing or sneezing.
  2. It is recommended to keep the environments ventilated, wash your hands frequently with soap and water, use a mask and avoid going to work, educational activities or public places in the presence of symptoms.
  3. The risk group for influenza A is made up of people over 65 years of age, pregnant women, children under 2 years of age and those with chronic diseases. These people are the ones who receive the influenza A vaccines.
  4. Some of the symptoms are fever greater than 38´C, with a sudden onset with a temperature greater than 39º C, frequent and intense cough, headache, lack of appetite, nasal congestion, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain.
  • The pandemic that affected in 2009

In 2009, influenza A became the first pandemic of this century and caused markets to be destabilized in a few months, countries to close their borders and even search once morest the clock for a cure for this virus.

On June 18, 2009, San Juan confirmed the first positive case of influenza A. It was a 24-year-old student who had shared time with visitors from Buenos Aires. Days later the cases increased. Given this scenario, they conditioned health centers to receive patients, because the Rawson and Marcial Quiroga were overwhelmed.

As with covid, there was a shortage of chinstraps and alcohol, surgeries in hospitals were reduced and a tent was even set up in Rawson for the exclusive care of suspected cases of influenza A. In total, 8 people died in San Juan and there were 41 confirmed cases of this disease.

  • They detected 8 cases of covid

Public Health reported yesterday just 8 new cases of covid, so daily detection continues to decline. The positive tests emerged from more than 400 swabs. There are, meanwhile, 69 patients with an infectious process and 6 people are hospitalized.



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