Rajya Sabha seat for JB Mather; Women’s corner. Leaders file complaint against Sonia Kerala | Deshabhimani

While publicly welcoming the state president JB Mehta’s Rajya Sabha seat, a section of women Congress leaders are in strong protest. When the Congress leadership gave a Rajya Sabha seat to a woman leader 42 years later, protests erupted over the ousting of senior leaders. State leaders from various districts have lodged complaints with Sonia Gandhi. Among the complainants are leaders from Ernakulam, the state president’s district.

It is alleged that the Rajya Sabha seat was given to the leader, who holds more than one post at a time, within three months of the Women’s Congress presidency. She is also the Municipal Vice Chairperson. This is when the High Command says that a person has a privilege. The complaint asks what were the criteria and criteria considered in giving them a Rajya Sabha seat. When Latika Subhash left the party complaining that the Congress did not consider women leaders in the elections, the leader, who is also the chairperson of the Mahila Congress, said in her complaint that she had nominated herself for the Rajya Sabha seat without naming the senior women leaders of the state for consideration. The complaint also said that the selection committee should be dissolved as it was not convened before the nomination.

They will also meet the KPCC president in person and inform him of the protest. The leaders of the Mahila Congress are of the view that there will be no public response without the KPCC leadership responding.

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