The president of Vooruit returns to the package of aid measures decided by Vivaldi.
On Monday evening, the federal government decided to apply a series of tax measures to help Belgians get through the energy crisis. As with electricity, the VAT on gas is lowered to 6%, those who heat with oil will receive a check for 200 euros, a full tank of diesel or petrol will cost 0.175 euros per liter cheaper and the social tariff extended is extended. Conner Rousseau welcomes it.
“We’ve been asking for this for a long time, comments the president of Vooruit. Energy is a commodity. Who dares to tell someone who turns on their heating that it is a luxury? Who dares to tell someone who uses their washing machine that it’s a luxury product? These are essential things, and which we cannot do without. In principle, Vooruit is in favor of lowering the VAT on energy to 6%. The measure will be reassessed in September, but I’m sure we can extend the measure: energy is and will remain a commodity and prices are not going to drop.”