New case of school violence: Two students must answer to the Justice

Five middle school students from the Adventist College from Talcahuanoin the Biobío Region, staged a beating who left two sophomores injured.

Susana Hormazabalmother of one of those affected, reported that the young “they started fighting in the yard because they threw a ball far away”and following entering the rooms, “They went to look for them wherever they were to threaten them with death, hit them; they even beat up the teacher“.

His son was “hit only on the head” and, as a result of these attacks, “he was diagnosed with a TEC, with rest for three days due to various symptoms,” the woman explained.

The educational establishment suspended the students who were part of this aggression by five days. After being arrested and formalized, the court decreed a restraining order for two of them for the crime of minor injuries.

Given the occurrence of various student disputes inside and outside educational establishments, the psychologist from the University of Talca, Natalia Uribe, delved into the various acts of violence that have been presented in the country.

It is very risky to say that the pandemic caused thisbecause the truth is when we talk regarding violence we define it as a multifactorial social phenomenon,” the academic mentioned.

“Therefore, we cannot say that the pandemic caused this, as it might be a precipitous association. But if we can say that this factor has been a trigger for the increase in these cases“, he added.

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