Osama Al-Azhari responds to Al-Hawaini’s skepticism about the prophetic hadith, “The best soldiers of the earth”

Doctor’s reply Osama Al-Azharione of the scholars of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, and the advisor to the President of the Republic for religious affairs, Ali Ishaq Al-Huwaini and those who followed him from among the Salafis who question the hadith of “the best soldiers of the earth,” saying: “The claim of this hadith that it is false requires ignorance of generations of hadith scholars and critics of hadith over 1400 years, because These are books of ills, denunciations, and histories that deny, refute, and track every abnormal or corrupt narration, and do not be visited by a little or a lot of this.”

Al-Azhari added, in his meeting with the “Al-Haq Al Mubin” program, with the journalist Ahmed Al-Derini, via the . channel dmcAl-Huwaini came with what he uttered from his “brain” and there are no books that mention what he says, adding: “The hadiths of Sahih and Hassan came on the tongue of the Prophet in which they praised the Egyptian soldier, unlike the hadith of the best soldiers of the earth, and praising the Egyptian soldier, the honorable and the gift that took place on the tongue of the prophecy. It is proven by this wording or other than it, in a total of hadiths, citing the honorable hadith: “You will approach a people whose heads are curled, so advise them well, for they are strength for you and a message to your enemy, God willing.” God is God in the Copts of Egypt, you will prevail over them and they will be your number and helpers in the way of God.”

And Dr. Osama Al-Azhari continued, saying: “There is another hadith that Ibn Abd al-Hakam brought out in the Conquests of Egypt and Morocco, on the authority of Muslim ibn Yasar, that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said (Recommend the Copts well, for you will find them the best helpers to fight your enemy), and there is a hadith more important than All of this was included by Imam al-Bukhari in the Great History Book, Ibn Abd al-Hakam in the Conquests of Egypt, Umar bin Shibh in the History of Medina book, and al-Bazzar in his Musnad, from the hadith of Abu Shuraih on the authority of Umair bin Abdullah on the authority of Amr bin al-Hamaq al-Khuza’i, that he said, The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, “will be a sedition in which the western soldier is the safest of people,” and the western soldier will be the safest among the people in the fitnah. He is the soldiers of Egypt.



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