The chronic degenerative diseases constitute one of the main causes of death worldwide, for which they represent a great public health problem and a need to address measures that serve to combat risk factors.
It is here where the physical exercise plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of these diseases, because it can minimize symptoms and positively influence the quality of life of the affected person.
The chronic non-communicable diseases As the Cancer, the Mellitus diabetesthe cardiovascularthe severe respiratoryamong others, are directly related to lifestyle, with a sedentary lifestyle together with smoking and an unbalanced diet, the main risk factors responsible for its development.
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For this reason, there are several studies that show that the physical exercise generates healthy effects between increased functional capacity, improved heart function and the current state of health of people, so having a level of activity seems to have a strong positive impact in reducing morbidity in patients diagnosed with this type of diseases, which account for almost 60% of deaths in the world.