The central bank increases the interest rate of ten million mortgages by 1158 yuan per month Xu Jiaxin: Mortgage households boil frogs in warm water

On the followingnoon of the 17th, the central bank unexpectedly announced a one-stop interest rate hike! If you buy a house with a total price of NT$15 million and take out a loan of NT$10 million, you will have to pay an extra monthly interest of NT$1,158. Xu Jiaxin, senior manager of the Real Estate Planning and Research Office of Residential Business, believes that the Fed expects to raise interest rates at least six times this year, so it is not surprising that the central bank will raise interest rates. It’s still stressful.

In addition, following entering the interest rate hike cycle, mortgage households are like frogs boiled in warm water, and the long-term pressure is not small. As for whether the rate hike will curb speculation, as the magnitude is not large, there is still room for investors to breathe, but the rent is likely to be due to Landlord costs are rising.

The central bank raised ten million mortgages by 1146 yuan per month Xu Jiaxin: Mortgage households boil frogs in warm water (picture / schematic diagram)

The central bank announced one rate hike on the 17th. Buyers are most worried regarding how much the mortgage burden will increase following the rate hike. Lang Meinan, deputy manager of everyone’s housing planning research office, said that the loan is 10 million yuan, 20 years, and the original interest rate is 1.5% to estimate one rate hike. The loan burden following (0.25%), the original interest rate is 1.5%, calculated by the method of amortizing the principal and interest, and the monthly principal and interest should be repaid to 48,255 yuan.


Mortgage interest rate hike trial balance

If the interest rate is raised by 1 yard, the estimated interest rate will rise to 1.75%, and the monthly principal and interest should be repaid to 49,413 yuan, which is 1,158 yuan more per month than when the interest rate is 1.5%, and 13,896 yuan per year. If the total loan amount is higher and the interest rate rises more sharply, the increased spending of the mortgage group will also be heavier. (Review: Lu Junyi)

Further reading

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