Maximo Kirchner, the deserter

while the government warriors take it on once morest inflationone of them They’re looking for him like Private Ryan. He is not in Ukraine. For many, Máximo Kirchner is a deserter, breaching the strict maxims of militancy to which ordinary human beings are not bound. He forgot everything he had proclaimed regarding it. Now it turns out that it is due to another revolutionary trick. It is as if a militant, in the past of the 70s, had refused to assassinate a policeman per day.

A confessional problem for the scion of Vice who, faced with setbacks, says that he would move his address to embark on an administration exercise that he never had: govern a province. Specifically, his native soil: Santa Cruz. rare in whom he was elected head of the Buenos Aires PJ few months ago. But Argentina is a producer of surprises and the ruling party liquefies its power on a daily basis, demanding changes in behavior and positions.

Agreement with the IMF: Alberto’s triumph, Cristina’s defeat

Maximus, then, instead of being a supporter additive, he razed himself for its recent eventsrenounces the ownership of the ruling bloc, its grumbles with the IMF and the exaggerated attachment to his mother’s fantasies—events that complicate the coming months for both him and his sect, La Cámpora. They even recognize it. We can’t win the election, they swear. And they presume to leave without leaving. Curious outcome: they threaten to set the ship adrift but without abandoning first classboth the mother and the son question the Fund, attribute their own fault to it, blow up the agreement before it is signed and share with Alberto Fernández the madness of 5% inflation of the last month, in progressive rise also, depletion of reserves and general helplessness.

There will be those who think that Máximo steps aside in national politics if the version of the transfer to Santa Cruz is fulfilledothers that he acquiesces to a kind of mandate that his father expressed for the profession that the family chose.

The leader of La Cámpora, Máximo Kirchner.

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The leader of La Cámpora, Máximo Kirchner.

Just one example. When Fernando Marin was president of Racinginvited more than once to Nestor Kirchner to the preferential audience. They shared football sympathy and, incidentally, Marín was excited regarding the possibility that the then governor of Santa Cruz would ally with his friend Mauricio Macri. In those meetings of joy (Racing was champion following 35 years), the businessman was never able to convince the southerner to approach the Boca engineer. The reason: for Kirchner, Macri did not respect a cursus honorum for his high political aspirations, the steps of a career to reach the top, and used his father’s millions to enter through the skylight.

He spoke as an expert on the history of Rome, where that scale was applied to achieve stature in positions. He first cross spaces of mayors, tribunes, consul, before rising to a higher estate. Of course, it was an excuse, since the powerful Romans used to violate those requirements. As also happened with Kirchner.

The days of Máximo (in unit fiction)

The Maximum thing would be a family relocation. Until now, the province of Buenos Aires is the most propitious sanctuary for Cristina, her electoral refuge even if she loses, and there will be an unnecessary concentration of efforts if the son remains in the district. Instead, if she jumps to Santa Cruz, other territorial content can offer the dynastic power. Aunt Alicia, with indefinite reelection and governing since 2005, is supposed to open the doors to her nephew.

Maybe. On the other hand, like the current Vice imagines herself a senator from Buenos Aires in 2023, also designating his son as deputy of the same district is already abundant, too opulent. Although that characteristic never bothered the lady in clothing, jewelry, decoration or accessories. In addition, the polls regarding Máximo do not favor him with progress to aspire to glittering titles, such as governor of Buenos Aires or member of a presidential formula. He has fallen a few steps in the general audience, just like his ad-hoc group, La Cámpora.

Maximo and Cristina Kirchner.

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Maximo and Cristina Kirchner.

And Máximo leaves for Santa Cruz, where his children live.clear the PC’s internal environment in the province where they compete in ambitions Kicillof, Insaurralde and Larroque. The three stay in the same friendly brotherhood with Kirchner, but the latter seems more integrated —for party reasons with the Peronist or economic mayors— with the current Buenos Aires chief of staff. Until now, however, Insaurralde has not ruled on his candidacy and keeps his own polls in a chest.

The governor proceeds the other way around: he has already announced his re-election purpose. Larroque, meanwhile, waits for Cristina’s heavenly blessing, testifies once morest the Fund more than the others, trusting, like Máximo, that Alberto’s government will do worse so that they recognize that they were right. Cristina dixit. And since Argentina always does worse, it is a trend, perhaps they are not mistaken.



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