New cycle connection between Rankweil and Götzis


If you want to save with rising energy prices, you can use public transport or a bicycle, among other things. In order for this to be really attractive in everyday life and on the way to work, the framework conditions have to be right. Therefore, a new cycle path is to be created between Rankweil and Götzis and the “Radius” campaign will start once more.

The company Omicron in Klaus is considered a role model for the active promotion of bicycle traffic: Around 300 employees regularly come to work by bike and use the company’s own facilities such as the underground bicycle garage with changing rooms and showers, which are located under each building. The company also offers a special service once a year: You can have your bike thoroughly cleaned and checked.

Presentation of the “Radius” campaign

Those who want to save costs in times of rising energy prices can, among other things, use alternative means of transport – public transport or bicycles. In order for this to be really attractive in everyday life and on the way to work, the framework conditions have to be right. This was also the subject of the presentation of the state government’s “Radius” campaign.

The company’s rental bikes and the state’s bicycle competition provide additional motivation here. “Anyone who wants to can participate. We also have the ‘Eco-Points’ campaign, where every employee who comes by public transport, by bike or on foot gets a small incentive. these ‘eco-points’ can then be redeemed for material or cash prizes,” explains Wolfgang Schenk, the “Radius” coordinator at Omicron.

Bicycle tunnels and new underpasses

The new mobility councilor Daniel Zadra (Greens) also announced the start of construction for the high-speed cycle connection between Rankweil and Götzis on Wednesday. For Zadra it is a core part of the cycling infrastructure: “It connects 60,000 people with their jobs and places of residence. That means you can cycle from bed to work in 20 minutes,” says Zadra.

New underpasses are being built at the ÖBB stop in Klaus, but there will also be a 180-metre-long bicycle tunnel through the Sattelberg nearby. The federal, state and local governments are investing around 35 million euros in this.

“Vorarlberg Cycles” starts once more

To increase the attractiveness of bicycles, the campaign “Vorarlberg radelt” will start next Sunday with numerous campaigns and competitions. This includes the hiking prize for the head of the community who covers the most kilometers by bike. Last year he went to Hittisau.



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