Valérie Pécresse sprayed with pink powder by two members of a collective

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15h45 : “They are 20-year-olds, nihilists, from a small group called Akira and they want to make the revolution. I spoke with them and they don’t necessarily have a claim. They are once morest all ‘isms. ‘.”

Valérie Pécresse tells us that she will not file a complaint following being covered in pink powder by activists from a far left group, the Akira collective, this morning. The Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CPME), before which she had just spoken, might do so according to her.

13h03 : After Eric Zemmour targeted with an egg, Saturday, it was Valérie Pécresse who was targeted by a happening this morning. Candidate LR was sprayed with pink powder when she had just spoken to the Confederation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Puteaux (Hauts-de-Seine). The action, filmed by a journalist of BFMTVhas been claimed on Twitter and with franceinfo by the Akira collective, a militant group that calls itself revolutionary: We wanted to put a little color in this campaigne”, they comment.

12h35 : You are no doubt aware that the presidential election is fast approaching. But are you quite up to date on the terms of the ballot? On who can vote, how to make a power of attorney or what are the rules on the speaking time of candidates? To answer all these questions, we have prepared a FAQ.


10h22 : The fear that the former President of the Republic will announce his support for Emmanuel Macron, just before the first round, is great among those close to Valérie Pécresse. “It would really hurt us if he supported Macron. In fact, I think I prefer that he say nothing and remain neutral until the end”entrusts to franceinfo a framework of the Republicans.

10h33 : The silence of Nicolas Sarkozy continues to weigh on the campaign of Valérie Pécresse. During a strategic committee organized yesterday morning at Les Républicains, a participant asked Valérie Pécresse directly if the former head of state intended to support her officially. “Text him to find out!”would then have kicked the candidate, preferring to be ironic.

09h41 : Nathalie Arthaud, Lutte Ouvrière presidential candidate, criticizes the position “demagogic and cynical” by Emmanuel Macron on the reception of refugees in France.

09h26 : It’s 9 o’clock, let’s do a new reminder of the main titles:

• US President Joe Biden is to announce additional security assistance of $800 million, according to a senior US official. Several loud explosions were heard this morning in the capital kyiv, which woke up under curfew. Follow the situation in our live.

• Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin is expected in Corsica today. The French government is “ready to go as far as autonomy” he declares in an interview with Corse-Matin. “We have been working for a long time on the institutional future of Corsicahe says this morning.

• Olivier Véran, the Minister of Health, predicts a peak in March of around 120,000-150,000 contaminations per day and then a decline. “The hospital load will be contained”he says on franceinfo. “The epidemic is not over! It continues with viral circulation still high”, warns the Scientific Council

• Emmanuel Macron is due to hold his first campaign meeting on April 2 in Paris, franceinfo learned from the candidate’s entourage. This meeting will take place just over a week before the first round of the presidential election.

08h42 : While the government says it is “ready to go as far as autonomy”the presidential candidates deliver their vision. “I think we need to give legislative, regulatory powers to regions, to communities that have a special status like Corsica”declares on Europe 1 Anne Hidalgo, the socialist candidate. “In Corsica, we have a president in the bargain who gives in to violence as he had already given in to Notre-Dame-des-Landes”estimates on France Inter Valérie Pécresse, the candidate LR.

08h30 : It is obvious that the president does not want to debate”estimates on France 2 Yannick Jadot, the environmental candidate. “When a country is so tense, so questioning regarding its future, it must be able to find, in the presidential election, the possibility of choosing the society in which we want to live. And this debate is essential” , he argues.

08h12 : Guest on franceinfo, Antoine Diers, spokesman for the Reconquête! party, spoke regarding “the need to put an end to the ‘great replacement'”. We detail in this article why this notion is a racist and conspiratorial idea..

07h27 : Some are very varied this morning. L’Opinion returns to the possible lack of legitimacy of the candidate who will be elected during the next presidential election while the campaign is engulfed by the war in Ukraine.

07h38 : It is a little following 6 o’clock, here are the main titles:

• US President Joe Biden is to announce additional security assistance of $800 million, according to a senior US official. Yesterday, around 29,000 people were evacuated from several besieged towns in Ukraine, 20,000 in Mariupol aloneport in southern Ukraine.

• Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin is expected in Corsica today. The French government is “ready to go as far as autonomy” he declares in an interview with Corse-Matin. He says he intends to hire a “unprecedented discussion around the institutional question.”

• Emmanuel Macron will hold his first campaign meeting on April 2 in Paris, franceinfo learned from the candidate’s entourage. This meeting will take place just over a week before the first round of the presidential election.

• China is taking steps to free up hospital beds to prevent hospitals from being potentially overwhelmed by an outbreak of Omicron cases. Tens of millions of people are confined to the country. For its part, New Zealand will reopen its borders earlier than expected. “We are ready to welcome the world back”said Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.



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