a brain infection similar to Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers have found that molecular changes in the brains of deceased Covid-19 patients resemble those of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

If the majority of patients in Covid-19 recover quickly from the infection, others feel sequelae for several months. And even several years. Since the appearance of this pandemic, many studies have highlighted the impact of the virus on many organs and in the brain.

Contamination with Covid-19 might expose patients to symptoms similar to those of Alzheimer’s disease such as brain fog or certain memory disorders. Precisely, Covid-19 might alter brain cells in the same way as in the brains of people affected by Alzheimer’s, specifies a recent study carried out on ten patients who died of Covid-19 in the United States and relayed by Republican East.

“The inflammatory state of the patient”

In detail, the researchers found that patients affected by the virus had certain molecules affected in the brain, ryanodine. “What we found is truly unexpected: not only did we find faulty ryanodine receptors in the hearts and lungs of deceased Covid patients, but we also found them in the brain“, reports Professor Andrew Marks, author of this New York study. Defective ryanodine receptors have already been associated with an increase in phosphorylated tau protein. A phenomenon linked to Alzheimer’s. A dysfunction that might be linked to “the patient’s inflammatory condition“affected by the virus.

We can consider long Covid as an atypical form of Alzheimer’s disease and/or that patients suffering from a severe form of Covid-19 might be predisposed to this neurological pathology during their lifetime.“, summarizes this American study. However, these results must be confirmed with a larger study integrating more patients.

VIDEO – Dr Christian Recchia: “To avoid Alzheimer’s disease, there are a number of things that we control, that we can do”



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